After no reply since the begining of June, I thought I would ask one last time. I would like to replace my 2012 Prius Performace Plus package 17" wheel hub inserts with TRD branded hub inserts. Does anyone have a source for a set of four that would actually fit the opening? If none are available my second question is what size is the opening so I can continue to search worldwide. I consider the PPP hubs to be unsightly given the great job Toyota did with the rest of the package. Please advise and thanks for your time.
Why not remove the center cap and measure the diameter of the hole? I never thought much about center hubs until I happened to look down and notice how bad they were on my 13 y.o. Subaru. The paint was all flaking off and showing the underlying plastic which was a different color. I pulled them out, and after a bit of light sanding and some silver spray paint they all look respectable, like someone cares about the car.
Quick question.... What the heck is a wheel hub insert?? Are you talking about the center cap on your wheels? If so.. You may not be having any luck because its called a center cap... Also, a center cap for the OEM Prius wheels both 15 and 17 is 54.1mm.