My key fob works perfectly but the silicone button covers have degraded and come off. Is there a way too replace the button covers?
$13 replacement Gen2 Prius fob case on Amazon; link embedded in the picture. DO NOT FORGET TO TRANSFER THE RFID Chip!
I replaced both of mine with cases purchased from Amazon. The USARemote one is a few dollars cheaper.
Call a few locksmiths in your area. Might be a couple of dollars more but you will be sure it works......the first time.
If the current fob works, why waste the money? It's incredibly easy to transfer the "guts" to the new case and will work "the first time" exactly the same as his current fob when brand new. The case I referred to is an easy snap-together case.
Yeah, prices have gone up. Mine were under $10 when I ordered them last year. Sounds like you got the best deal, though.
Because: Not everybody is comfortable doing things like that. I think you should support local businesses every chance you get. I think "we" are obsessed with saving a few pennies by getting things "mail order" these days and it doesn't always work out for the best. What kind of profession are you in ? How long would you have a job if EVERYBODY got those kinds of services by "ordering over the Internet" ??
I'm retired from corporate operations in pharmaceutical wholesale. We supplied the mail order as well as local pharmacies, chain stores, hospitals and other medical providers. My job was fine, internet or not, because we adapted to changes in the marketplace. I do business with local independent businesses as much as I feel is reasonable but for a little item like this, no one actually has them in stock around here that I can find. They have to be ordered anyway. The local locksmith might be ordering the same part from the same supplier from Amazon and marking it up for all I know. Or running to the local Toyota dealer to get one. As for being uncomfortable with transferring the "guts", the OP gave absolutely no indication of that. If he had, THEN it would be the time to find a local solution that might cost more.
The price difference might have been $5....or less if you include shipping costs. And in any specific instance, the item in question might not match your preconceived notion of a "little part like this". There are a LOT of these things in use and in my area more than one locksmith keeps them in stock. YMMV. And finally, the solution that YOU offer is not automatically the best one for everybody. Feeling a need to argue with those who suggest a different solution accomplishes pretty much nothing useful.
First off, I never indicated my solution was the best one for everyone. Plus, you're the one that suggested paying more to have a locksmith do it when such a third party isn't even necessary. You're the one that suggested not everyone is comfortable transferring to a new case. In those instances, your solution is fine but it was never a consideration until you brought it up AFTER my reply. If you had originally suggested, "If you're uncomfortable doing it, a locksmith can do it for a few dollars more", that would be perfectly fine and probably the best solution in that circumstance. The only justification you gave, however, was to get it done right the first time, something that also occurs with the solutions the rest of us are putting forth. The OP already indicated the fobs worked fine. Transferring the chip to a new case on your own also works right the first time, as long as you remember the chip, something exstudent pointed out in large print and pictures in post #2. EDIT: And, by the way, I don't include shipping costs because there are none on the things I buy there.