A rampant toyota prius hybrid -07 today, a difficult situation. What may have happened to my car, someone who has an answer?
I sat beside it and the driver accelerated vigorously up to about 100 km / h, the gas hooked up, the car could not shut down, the car shone unchecked ,, the driver had to brake heavily which resulted in the strong smoke development from the brakes .. I perceived on the panel control that the battery continued to deliver energy to the operation, it never switched from the battery to fuel operation when the car was passed over 50 km / h without the energy being drained in a minute in the battery! The driver took it easy and the right decision, but what if a young or old driver (inexperienced) .. Did anyone here know if it is a known problem? or I'll call Toyota instead !!!
Are you trying to say "unintended acceleration" problem? The car continued to accelerate full throttle even with the brakes applied? If so, this was a thing several years back that was pretty much determined to be an issue with floor mats jamming the gas pedal. Take a look and see if the owner has aftermarket floor mats. You'll notice the OEM mats have a hole in the corner that connects on a floor hook to keep the mats in place. A loose mat will tend to ride upward toward the pedals. Pretty sure Toyota had some type of service recall to help alleviate this problem.
That was one of the causes bandied about, and it is certainly easy and quick and worth checking. It also wasn't the whole story.
That was some good reading, thanks! I laughed out loud when I saw the typo on p.33 of Barr's slideshow. "Data Corrution" indeed!
Thanks for the different tips and answers, guys .. Toyota claims software error, so they want checked on it! "I who thought it was a Peugeot"
Heh, self-describing heading. I recently saw Cards Against Humanity being played for the first time, and one of the question cards was "what are Mom and Dad hiding from me?" Somebody played the answer "object permanence." It didn't win, as somebody else played something more obnoxious, but I liked it.