Date Ordered: Beginning of September Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Carson Toyota (CA) Timeframe given for delivery: Originally Beginning of January. Now Beginning of April. Color: Black Option Package: #8 (BG) Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: ? Good Question.
Hey there! The BG package was not available in this region at all yet, still isn't. Toyota refused all special orders to build cars when the demand got astounding and folks were grabbing anything they could get their hands on regardless of package -- and for the record, they are still. I have yet to see a black NAV car here at my store. And, there will not be any BG (package 8 ) cars till early march and into April. You know, you could have ordered back in April... it wouldn't have mattered. I can't sell you a car we are not allocated. I am not sure who you are by your name here, but I have THREE folks ahead of you for a black BG car - two requests from July, and one that was in September but at the end of Sept, and their last name ends starts with "her..." is that you? Dianne
Hey Diane! Yup, Hertica is me. I didn't realize that Toyota had refused the special orders. Last I heard from Gloria was that the time frame was being pushed back due to demand, but she didn't mention the special order thing. I hope you didn't take my original post as a complaint for the wait as it wasnt' meant that way. I'm patiently (but eagerly) waiting as I know the demand is crazy and I know you ladies are working your butts off. Thanks for all your hard work with the Prius and everything else you do! Eric
That's OK -- I was just respondin' ... I did not think you were upset. :> Honey, you can say whatever you want, share feelings etc. I know the wait's totally frustrating to most everyone. I am just now learning that a letter I gave to my assistant, who was brand new at the time, may not have gotten to everyone via email or real-mail... about how Toyota refused special orders on cars with unusual packages. I hear weekly from folks who were not advised of this matter.
We love you Dianne Got the call today. Cars on the boat over. As long as it doensn't spring a leak (the boat that is), I should be set in about 2 weeks!!! I'll admit, I got lucky ordering the #8 when it was a custom order and noone was really asking for it. Once they shifted production to making the 8's that really helped my order. I can't wait!! :mrgreen:
Eric, it's here --- why are you not standing here on my doorstep at this very minute?! ;> Call me at 310-522-2317 Thanks!
I got it this evening. Drives great! Averaged 50.2 MPG driving 40 miles home on the freeway. Thanks for all your work Dianne. It was a pleasure working with you and Linda. Have a great weekend!