My current car is dead. Wife has a 2007 Prius. The 2009 Touring is the same color / body. I don't really care if I have 2 identical looking cars. Basically it comes down to a smaller Prius that is newer with more miles or an older with less miles. Not sure if I am missing anything else. 2013 Prius C - 110,000 miles - $6,000 2009 Prius Touring - 69,000 miles - $5,700 Both are in good condition. I'm happy with our 2007 Prius so I figured I should get a 2nd. My commute is about 15 miles round trip every day. I drive more on weekends. Usually go fish, hike or go to the beach. Parking is tight in Hawaii so either Prius fits in most spots ok. Thanks!
welcome! both nice vehicles, but fairly different. i would test drive each and buy the one you like better. any maintenance/accident history?
None for either, but the overall condition of the 2009 (it's actually a 2008 the poster posted incorrectly) seemed a lot better. The C had a bunch of debris in the engine and especially up by the AC ducts/vents. There were small tree branches and leaves everywhere, like it was parked in a forest for a long period. The 2009 had some granular dark salt looking particles on the under carriage / wheel wells but it looked like they tried had to clean the engine / inside. I didn't fall in love with either, maybe I will continue searching, thanks for the help.
I've come to the conclusion that one does not buy a used Prius, one buys a used battery with a car attached. Unless the '09 has had a battery replaced (OEM, natch) you at most have 5-6 years left on the battery. The '12 has much more battery left.
Well Prius C's seem to be harder on the battery than a regular Prius. That 09, with low mileage? Well the batteries don't age well either it seems like. So in a way, without seeing/driving either - I'd say they were about equal when it comes to the battery. With that in mind - I'd go with the 2009.