Is it worth it to install side mouldings on the Prius C? I have a 2016 that I was able to pick-up a few months ago that was only 2-years old and practically new (less than 17k miles on the clock). My last Prius was beat to death and am wondering if these really do anything to help... I know the bumper guards are worth their weight in gold! Are they easy to install (diy) or do you need a body man (or woman) to install them correctly? Thanks!
If they salt the roads where you drive, they can accumulate salt and moisture and the covered parts of the doorskins can rust early. Usually they go on with adhesive, so it doesn't take much more than a good cleaning, a steady hand and some firm pressure to put them on. They can reduce the number of door dings, but they add weight and slightly screw up your aerodynamics. Might be pennies a year more in fuel, but it's something.
Had them in my first C. Easy to install and I thought worth the money Now I'm on my second C is like to put them on, just they seem expensive to me know. Not sure why I don't think they went up that much but I seem to remember they were under $100 before Never had a problem with them, and they offer more protection
I have them on my c. Granted its better to get those dinged and able to take it off later than having to fix all those door dings cause by people parking next to you.