We've had a dreaded beep that seemed to be due to the rear seat detecting someone sitting in the middle when there actually isn't (the beep and middle seat belt light both go off when the middle seatbelt is plugged in) However, a second light with the person outside of the car still stays and takes up the entire info display. I've tried plugging in all the seat belts but nothing changes, Any idea what this one means? Thanks
I've just done a OBD scan today and nothing came up, I'm heading down to a Toyota dealer for an Aircon recharge in a couple of weeks, I'll mention it then and see what they think.
Just conjecture on my part. I suspect the switch telling the car if someone is in the middle rear seat has an intermittent malfunction. If it thinks someone is in the seat when there isn't, you're successfully fooling it by buckling the seatbelt. But the, if the switch works but the belt is buckled with no occupant, it give that second indicator with the belt fastened but the passenger outside the vehicle. I'm just guessing because there is no indicator like that shown in the manual for my '13 PiP. Since I no longer have that car, I can't test the idea.
There's some Toyota UK owner's manuals available for download here: My Toyota | Toyota UK Puzzling, the earliest Prius manual available is 2012. I took a quick look, not much though; it only mentions detection of unbuckled seat belts in the front seats. A screen grab from page 490 of 2012 manual, fwiw:
Thanks guys, it is very strange. I've been through the entire manual with no luck. I'm also clueless as to where the pressure sensors for the rear seats actually are...the bank removes easily and has no wires so they aren't built into there. I've had a push around on the upright rear seat part but don't seem to be able to find anything that affects the lights there either, my best guess is on the frame of the car under the rear bank, but even there I can't see anything. odd!
Sure it's not the FRONT seat? I put a cooler on my front passenger seat. And every once in a while I hear this faint beeping. Eventually, I figure it out. I guess it's heavy enough when I go over a little bump, it thinks there is someone in the seat and the alarm goes off. I move it off the seat and it still thinks someone is sitting there. I have to buckle the seat belt to get it to shut up!
It could well be, I'll report back once toyota have taken a look in case anyone else runs in the same problem.
His first included picture makes quite clear that is is a rear belt. It must be something specific to his UK- or Euro-market car, as we haven't heard of any rear seat warnings on North American market cars.
2020 Corolla has the rear seat warning, probably some of the newest models in 2019 Rav4 or Camry too?
The only photo shows a dot on the roof. Without seeing the dots placements, difficult to make a judgement front or rear. Rear seat belt warnings for the rear must be new.
I see two photos. The first includes the words "REAR SEATBELT", which ought to eliminate any difficulty in making a judgement of front or rear.