For decades, the NASA TDRS network of three, geosynchronous satellites has supported satellite-to-TDRS-to-ground communications. This provides world wide communications which can eliminate or downsize satellite data recorders. But then SpaceX deployed 60 Starlink, communications satellites and . . . it is a mini-TDRS network. The most recent STP-2 mission had significant video drops because they still use ground station receivers. Apparently the TDRS 'rates' are a little too steep or technically challenging. So Elon will blanket a three, mid-level orbital shells with 12,000 satellites. Sure they will bring the Internet to remote locations including any/every satellite who wants the service. Bob Wilson
Can't wait, my retirement home is in the backwaters. one DSL provider, with spotty location specific access. Standard satellite providers don't float my boat. Go Musk, Go!