I just noticed this last night since it was dark. all of the dome lights do not work. when you move the switch, nothing, when you click the light in front to turn it on, nothing. Did the fuse blow? Did all the Bulbs go out at the same time? The shifter light works still so I don't know if its the fuse.... Any ideas?
Not yet... LOL I noticed it when I was leaving a friends house late and I just got up this morning and shot off to work. I will check this afternoon. How does one get to the bulbs in the lights?
The $64 question (or more like $6400, at Toyota's wire harness prices) is, if you check the fuse first and find it blown, what's your next move?
That's an answer I see a lot. It's amazing how few people answer "find out why the fuse blew, and be sure not to install another fuse there until whatever that problem was has been fixed." But the ones who give the second answer are the ones thinking ahead.
I think the correct answer is to install another fuse. If it doesn't blow, you're set. If it does, then figure out why. Fuses age, they may have variability in their setting, the system could have had an unusual momentary current, etc. If you replace the fuse, the new one will provide the same protection the first one did, and if there is a fault it will blow as well. Sometimes fuses blow and you never figure out why.
I checked the fuse that was marked "DOME", it was not blown. Another option dawned on me, I had my armrest repaired and the mechanic broke the puddle light connector so the wires are taped off. I was thinking that that could be causing the issue... thoughts?
It's on the circuit, and my puddle light socket blows the dome fuse very easily when disturbed in any manner.
Smart People is it possible the taped off wires are having the effect of a pulled fuse? When the mechanic breaks the connector and tapes off the wires the circuit is now open?
i fixed it. bad switch is the cause. when i pushed into the switch the light would come on and go out when released. first remove the whole dome unit. their is a youube on that to replace the bulbs. remove colored plastic on face pushing back little plastic tabs. carefully remove top of switch with the copper prongs on the bottom (note the direction the writing on the switch goes. on mine there is a black piece of rubber on one of the copper prongs. i put a slight bend at the top of the rubber inward towards the other copper contact. It's a very slight bend your making. as you look into the switch hole you will see the copper contacts at the bottom. the lower hole in the very middle you will see a small spot of copper. thats the contact point that is not making good contact. that should fix it. plug it in and test it.