I had my brake actuator replaced recently and today after accelerating from a stop it lurched forward and I got several warning lights that flashed momentarily. Not sure if the actuator is faulty or maybe air in the line?
I contacted Dorman (where I bought the actuator) and they asked if I did the initialization after the install (I didn’t). Does anyone know the steps for this? I have scoured the internet with no luck.
Replacing the Brake Actuator is the first part of the job. Calibration/initialization and brake bleed is the second part. I will include a .pdf file that details how to do the Initialization. I had Techstream and used it to do the after install work - calibration/Initialization and brake bleeding. I would download a copy of the Toyota Service Manual for the Prius - There is an entire section on how to install the Brake Actuator and the process of completing the entire job. While the part install is difficult the after install procedures are involved also. Probably nothing you can't do with the proper instruction and equipment.
Now I’m getting the c1256 code again and the brake oil level is looking a little low. Could there have been an air pocket?
Are you doing a Zero Down before looking at the fluid level? If not, it can be expected to look a little low.
I got a new actuator unit from Dorman and just put it in. Every time I try to do the initialization it stops at about 80%. I put in a new 12v to make sure that wasn’t the problem, but no luck. Also hearing weird clicking and pumping sounds during the initialization.
The clicking and pumping during the process with Techstream are all supposed to happen. When I was using a Mini VCI dongle, it took me five or six tries to get all the way through the procedure without it flaking out with a "lost communication" near the end. When I just recently did the same procedure with a Tactrix dongle, I didn't have that problem. The quality control of the counterfeit dongles is nothing to write home about. I made sure to buy my Tactrix one directly from Tactrix using their web site. There are counterfeits of that one too (and the counterfeits will say Tactrix, just like the real ones). The Mini VCI that I have is surely a counterfeit. It says "XHorse", the company that originally made the Mini VCI, just like the counterfeits all do, but as far as I know there isn't even the option of buying one that's really from XHorse anymore. The counterfeiters killed the business for them.