Hi everybody, The doors to my '07 won't (un)lock when using either of my 2 fob's (with new batteries) - the door locks will work electrically from inside the car - Both FOB's have working batteries - 12V battery looks in good working order.. 12.6 when car off, 14.1 when car in ready mode - No codes - Car doesn't beep or anything, all doors properly closed - I don't (seem to) have a key button beneath my steering wheel - Car doesn't have smart entry Any ideas on what could be going on here? Thanks voor any advice! update.. (Un)locking seems to be working again, strangely enough after two days of not working.. Any idea as to what has happened here?
I'm guessing you just acquired this car? It sounds like possibly neither fob was programmed for remote locking. That would make it only possible to start the car in the fob slot.
I actually have the car in my possesion for over more than a year now and the (un)locking worked fine until two days ago. The problem did occur occasionally now and then but now it's permanent unfortunately
One of the Lock actuators isn't working there switches inside or the motor froze up Try Locking the door and see if they all lock Most likely one will not. This will also cause the alarm to go off every 24 hours even know you don't have an alarm Texas to take apart the motor cleaner spray clear in the switch or replaced the actuator Back one the hardest to get back together, Remove the bottom of the motor clean a black Spot where the brushes touch so it's copper then use 2 pieces of bread to pull back the bushings so you can put it back together Then spray cleaner In the switches Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I believe SKS OFF switch will ONLY deactivate SKS functions. Button presses of Lock/Unlock/Panic will always work, irregardless of SKS button inside car being ON or OFF. When you press the buttons on the fob, does the red light on the fob stay lit until you release the button? The buttons on the fobs are only rated for a certain number of cycles (depress and release). These buttons can and will go bad, but it would take an awful lot of presses though. Maybe a bad fob receiver ECU in the car? Rule out defective door actuators by pressing the lock/unlock switch inside the car. Do all the doors lock and unlock with the press of the switch? If all doors lock/unlock, the actuators still work, then this points to bad fob and/or bad fob receiver ECU in the car. If all doors do NOT lock/unlock, the actuator(s) are dead. Repair or replace the non-working actuator(s). Did you test the fobs? Red LED stays lit for luck/unlock, until you release the fob button.