Selling -3 rear camber plate for Prius , fits 3rd gen model. Brand: Best Style Jp - never used, never mounted - comes with all hardware + instructions in Japanese (installation is pretty straight forward) $200 + $15 shipping (Anywhere in U.S.)
I looking to do the same. From my calclutions i don't think -6 will e enough to fit 19x10.5 +30 in the rear. Think I need to go -8? What are ur thoughts?
Hmmm as much as I wanna do 10.5 by 10j may work better. With -6 According to my research 19x10.5 +38 could fit in the rear
I’ve seen a lot of the Japan dudes run 10.5, however most of them have custom axles :\ Do you have a pic of what 10.5 +38 would fit like?
I don't have a image of 10.5 plus 38 but according to defunct website) i played around w/ specs and with 10.5 plus 38 it should fit w/ -6. So you saw the custom j-line rear axles as well I see. I was debating to go -6 shims for my next set up (currently only -3) or go extreme w/ the j-line premier and go -8 (believe u can order it as much as -10). Like you I want much more aggressive wheel set up then my current one. what are you running now? There's s local socal guy selling a set of ssr sp1 19x9.5 and 10.5 w/ 30 offset or so and i'm trying to fit them.
You guys should starts a private conversation lol. Sale turned into tech talk But can’t wait to see what’s next for your Pri
I believe the set up on that is 18x9.5 +14 18x10.5 -3 (had specs on his for sale post) ! You’ve gotta remember, these guys in JP aren’t only cutting their axels for camber, they are also raising/lowering it, and also probably shortening it to tuck those fat wheels ! My specs: 17x8 (stamped +31) ET+76.2 +20mm spacer 17x9 (stamped +33) ET+63.5 +3mm spacer Reason why I say “stamped” is bc Rays stamped them as that, but I’ve read these wheels were sold with 20-30mm spacer so I measured them myself..
Those Japanese dudes always seem to be messing around with their specs. Do you already have the wheels that you want to put on the car or are you trying to add a spacer to this one
Ended up rebuilding my current wheels. 18x10 all around, currently waiting on my tires.. 205/40 The wheels do poke a bit.. but if i can't get them to fit with some camber and fender pulling I will end up sending her to a body shop for some fender work.