Hi My car no front fog light . I add it by myself. How can I enable front fog light inductor in dashboards. I hope the dashboard have that logo. I know I should short one of the dashboard wire to ground to enable it. but I don’t know which wire.
It might be a simple wire to ground, or it might not. The combination meter gets some signals in the form of data packets over the network, rather than individual wires. The wiring diagram ought to tell you which connector pin, if it is an individual-wire signal. Are you going to add a flux capacitor for phase correction?
フォグインジケーター点灯化 | トヨタ プリウス by noichin428 - みんカラ I see the Japanese ground one wire to enable it. But this is prius 3
If it's like my 07 Highlander, the wiring is all there. You need to replace the headlight/turnsignal stalk and add a fog light relay to the interior fuse board (on the highlander, it's on the back of the under dash fuse box.)
Hi I change the stalk and add the fog light relay. The fog light is work now. Just want to know how to enable the dashboard fog light inductor . Where can I find 07 highlander wiring diagram?
I just checked the dash on the Highlander, it doesn't have an indicator lamp for the fog lights. Sorry. I suppose that would mean that the Highlander wiring diagram wouldn't help. You probably can get a whole OEM 2nd Gen Prius factory manual from Rockauto. The ones on disk cover multiple years--they actually have versions for each year in the generation. They had a nice digital on disk copy for about US$ 21. I don't know if there are export restrictions, but I know that Rockauto ships worldwide.
I found out my car have the fog wire. Just the yellow wire which connect the harness which under the dashboards. It will no wire to connect it. So I add the pin and wire . And the diagram show that I should connect it to body ecu, I guess it will enable fog light inductor. But it hasn’t, I guess maybe my main body ecu no this function. Because the pin should have 12v normal, but it hasn’t
Finally, I am success to enable the front fog light inductor The step is here Prius 2 Adding Front Fog dashboard Light inductor instruction | PriusChat
I know English is your second language, and you do very well. The word you should be using is "Indicator." Root word is "indicate." Inductor is a electric current pick up, electric buses that run off of overhead power lines have inductors which ride on the bottoms of the lines. God help me if I'd ever have to learn Mandarin.
By that Kwn probably means he speaks Cantonese, which I found out, when I visited there recently, is the main language spoken in HK. I'm told Cantonese is harder to learn that Mandarin, so I think Brian will really need the help of a higher power. lol.
I did not think that was done inductively. I think those trolley wires are uninsulated and the pickups on the buses make metal-to-metal contact. My wireless phone charger is inductive.