Hi everybody, I'm newbie with group but I've own Prius 2008 for 2 years. Yesterday when I'm on highway, on the dashboard the Master warning light came on with emergency BRAKE light and the yellow (!) light and the green show charging system light then all of them went off. I kept driving for 2 mins, all the light came on again and the READY light went off and I cant accelerate anymore. I'm so panic and pulled my car to shoulder road. I turned off and waiting for road assistance. After 30 mins I turned on the car again and all the light went off. I googled alot but I can't find the reason for that issue. Is there anyone having the same problem with me ? Could you please share your experiences ? Thank you so much P/s :I have checked the fluid and its still good. I tried some hard brake too and its still working excepts some creaking noise that I had since the day Ive bought it.
Warning lights (currently lit or off) = codes stored. Get the codes read (parts store, independent shop, dealership). Maybe P0A93? But w/o the codes, anyone's guess. Generic readers, bluetooth smartphone readers, and shops that do NOT use Techstream software will miss codes or provide wrong codes. Consider getting Techstream yourself; official diagnostic and maintenance software made for Toyota/Lexus and used at Toyota/Lexus dealerships. Requires Windows 32bit OS laptop (XP, Vista, 7) for easiest install.
Thanks for your response ! I got P0A93 last year but fixed it already by changing Inveter water pump. I hope it doesn't happen again. BTW, I asked a staff at Advanced Auto Part but he refused to read the code because he didn't see any check engine light on dashboard at this moment although I tried to explain to him that i had one before it off for no reason
I bought it with 314,000 miles. Fixed some minor problem and right now it has 321,000. Everything is perfect until this issue happened
With a car of that age and mileage, youigbt want to spend the $30 on an Elm 327 Bluetooth OBDII adaptor and Torque Pro app that runs on Android phone. You'll be able to read and clear codes plus see live data about the hybrid system.