Yes, during the break in which we pay homage to organized labor and its contributions to American life, some of us get two or three days off...some don't. Some stoke up the near-obligatory barbeque (lordy, from the ads I get, there's a huge push on to sell 'em, and some models look sexier than my Priuses), and some don't. Here's an "open forum" thread to share little tidbits from your summer-ending weekend. What's going on? Anyone posting from a place other than their homes? Anyone taking advantage of holiday sales? Anyone on a houseboat with wifi?
Posting from work where I "get" to work the midinight to 8am shift this fine weekend and sleep away the sunny mild weather during the day...whoo hoo! My wife and kids are at the lake where they've been cooking on my Big Green Egg (it is sexier than my Prius!), swimming, boating and consuming enough alcohol to really make me jealous. I see just how deeply I can sink into my couch during football games then climb out at about 11pm to head to work. But I'm not bitter!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Kelly @ Sep 3 2006, 12:02 AM) [snapback]313412[/snapback]</div> No houseboat. No wifi (dammit). Just a WeeQueen hoping for a party of NOT necessarily only wee Pri owners here in (NoCal) Richmond on Labor Day. (Yup...see other threads...) (Hi Jack...this is indeed a hijack...of a thread!)
i'm working today and i'm working tomorrow. and i stopped in the lab yesterday for a bit too. argh. i did treat myself to quizno's for lunch today for being so diligent, but only because i had a coupon. :lol: edit: oh yes, let's not forget taking care of DH, his back and shoulder both went out the other day... go figure, on the long weekend.
I'm sitting at home, working. The weather is not nice so it's good motivation to get stuff done. Freelance animation work, and preparing syllabi for the start of classes next week.
I took 1/2 of Friday off, kinda like a 4 day weekend of sorts. Its 90+ degrees during the day low 80's at night. Did the Honey do list, Having some friends over on monday to cook out on my new grill (sexier than my truck)
yesterday I spent nearly all my free time stuck in traffic in San Francisco. Whoever had the bright idea to close the East bay Bridge on Labor Day weekedn should be fired then kicked in the sack! Took me about 45min just to go from Van Ness to the 101 onramp. That didnt count the hour+ to get from 880 through Van Ness.. Grrrrrr So today I am givin the Prius some love since she didnt get to make the epic voyage with me yesterday. Cleaning carpets, windows, and a nice bath. All the married women on the block are jelous of my pampering techniques. hahaha
I spend labor day weekend doing labor. Labor for which I am not paid. I took my sister to the airport. I did three loads of laundry. I'll be detailing my Prius. If I have time I'll paint the kitchen but due to heat this is way down on the list. I have many and sundry chores around the house to do. And they all require my personal labor to get done. Yesterday was my nephew's birthday and we all went there to celebrate (and brought the dogs). I went swiming in the pool, as did my dog. The other dogs are sissy dogs. No Barbeque. We did build your own with a selection of deli meats and cheeses, mostly italian. Tomorrow I'm invited to my parents' house for "butt chicken". That's what my mother calls roasted chicken with a special rack shoved up it's butt. Some use a beer can, but we don't like our chicken with a beer enema.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Sep 3 2006, 03:30 PM) [snapback]313630[/snapback]</div> Of course, you're from Socal not Arkansas. lol
On Saturday I spent most of my time with my daughter before she had to return to Italy today. That resulted in a 4a wake up in order to get her to the airport early. Thank goodness Lindberg was pretty quiet this morning. It is hot so not much activity here. Went to the Grandparents, did groceries and hit Pet People for treats and doggie food. Tomorrow is open but A/C will have some impact on choices!! I do believe that the Gorganzola Cream Salmon will be featured on Monday though.
For once having a labor free labor day weekend. Friends (incredibly generous friends) bought my wife and I passes for the Telluride Film festival so had to take it as vacation time. It has been an absolutely wonderful experience. Wish a few more folks would cough up some fun things that they got to do this weekend.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(F8L @ Sep 3 2006, 03:23 PM) [snapback]313627[/snapback]</div> Dude! You deserved every single minute you spent stuck in that traffic for DUI . . . Driving Utterly Ignorant! Tell me you made the trip from Sacramento to San Francisco without being overly warned of the closure. :huh: Every Changeable Message Sign here in Sacramento [90 miles away!!!] had the warning emblazoned across it for the past week! And every one of the signs in the Bay Area had the warning longer than that! Other ways it was advertised: TV News . . . Radio, newspaper, fliers, billboards, even in freakin' movie theaters! You could have gotten the information from Caltrans off the internet . . . I 80 [SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA] WILL BE CLOSED TO EASTBOUND TRAFFIC AT THE SAN FRANCISCO-OAKLAND BAY BRIDGE /IN SAN FRANCISCO/ (SAN FRANCISCO,ALAMEDA CO's) FROM 0001 HRS ON 9/2/06 THRU 0500 HRS ON 9/5/06 - DUE TO CONSTRUCTION - MOTORISTS ARE ADVISED TO USE AN ALTERNATE ROUTE IS CLOSED TO EASTBOUND TRAFFIC FROM THE JCT OF US 101 TO 4TH ST /IN SAN FRANCISCO/ (SAN FRANCISCO CO) FROM 0100 HRS TO 0600 HRS 7 DAYS A WEEK THRU 9/8/06 - DUE TO CONSTRUCTION - A DETOUR IS AVAILABLE IS CLOSED TO WESTBOUND TRAFFIC FROM FREMONT ST TO HARRISON ST /IN SAN FRANCISCO/ (SAN FRANCISCO CO) FROM 0001 HRS TO 0600 HRS 7 DAYS A WEEK THRU 9/8/06 - DUE TO CONSTRUCTION - A DETOUR IS AVAILABLE Or even the CHP Traffic Incident Information Page . . . 0431 4:03AM Road Closure EB BAY BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION And, easiest of all . . . even from your cell phone while driving - by just dialing 511 and then the via the voice activated system. . . The reason Caltrans used a three-day holiday weekend? No major events planned in the Bay Area, and it's better than screwing up two weekends . . . and immensely better than totally buggerin' any single weekday!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(F8L @ Sep 4 2006, 02:09 AM) [snapback]313890[/snapback]</div> YESSSSS! By not driving through San Francisco!!!! . . . whether or not the Eastbound direction of the Bay Bridge is closed. Sacramento to Fremont. South on I-5 to 205/580 to South on 680 Fremont to San Rafael North on 880 to 580 and over the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge San Rafael to Sacramento North on 101 to 37 to North on 80 All just so happen to be the most direct route (depending on where in Sacramento you start ). But going I-5 South and over the Altimont Pass is usually quicker no matter were you start, as you avoid the usually congested Concord/Walnut Creek/San Ramon area.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Sep 4 2006, 02:56 AM) [snapback]313893[/snapback]</div> Awesome. Thank you much O' master commuter. Since I stay as far away form the Yeah Area as possible I didnt know about those routes as everything in my mental map seemed to be much to far out of the way. Do you feel good about yourself now?
Just working 0000-0800 to keep em flying...somebody has got to keep an eye on the wx and keep the airlines happy...
Not to belabour the point, but I be labouring, too. Building retaining walls is hard work. The bigger blocks are 80 pounds each, and I've got about 5 more pallets to go. The evenings are getting much shorter, so there's more urgency to do this on a weekend when I can see what I'm doing. I'm looking forward to work tomorrow...I can sit quietly in a comfy chair all day, enjoy the air conditioning and do nothing but think and push these little buttons.
Mensa Regional Gathering - my wife and I are both long-time members. Tie-dyed some t-shirts, played lots of games, made some new friends, ate and drank too much.
Been tilling the heck out of my yard. Built a drainage ditch & planting fescue & clover. Yay Clover! I am seriously beat.
Nashville for my son's soccer tournament. Got to run in Centennial Park on the 1 mile loop around the Parthenon (google it). Great food. Good friends. Lot's of Prii. I saw two walking to /Bread and Company at Vanderbilt, and then several on the road.