I've had my 2017 v since well, 2017. It just started making this chime...at the same place, near my home. About a mile or so away. Always the same locations. I've discovered three now. It happens whether I have my cell phone with me or not. Did it start happening after an update? Can I stop it? Video here:
No cameras around. It only happens near my home. I've driven to Florida and back, been through many neighborhoods, and it doesn't happen.
On aftermarket nav, our Garmin specifically. OP's mention that it's the same places every day raised my spidey sense. Ah well, n'mind.
In for answer. Musical note chime. Same place/location/ distance, same running time, same speed. Almost sounds like a cell telephone message alert.
Kenny, I thought it might be my cell phone too, so I took a trip without it. Left the cell at home...and it still happens!
Ever use the navigation system and plug in an address where the chiming happens? That’s my bet. Good luck and keep us posted .
you could be right. the 2012 nav doesn't have a chime to my knowledge, but 2017 could be completely different, although entune tech advances are a bit on the slow side.
I use the Nav all the time. It never happens while using Nav. Only when I get to three specific areas near my house. Well, at least I've discovered three. Never anywhere other than in my neighborhood. At first I thought it was my cell. Nope. Then I thought my car was hooking up to my nephew's wifi--because it happens near his house. Nope. I know no one near where the other chimes happen.
How many cell phones are registered to the bluetooth? Whose? What distance in feet from their usual location when the chime comes on? Guessing.
Just two phones registered. Mine and my sons. He lives 120 miles away. When I hear the chime, I'm about a mile from my home. Always when I am returning home. No chime at startup. Also, this happens with or without my cell in the car. I have sent a message to Toyota, with the video, to see if they can identify it.
This isn't helpful I realize. But the really odd thing is it doesn't sound like a usual "utilitarian" chime. It sounds like a soundbite of a music box. It's hard for me to imagine Toyota would install that sound for anything. And if it isn't a peripheral device? Well once again I have no idea.
Yes, I'm the only owner. I really think it might be from one of the apps (which I have not added any). It seems to have started after one of the updates the car did automatically. I just sat in my car today and tried to find something within the setup/settings/apps/etc. I couldn't find anything. It haunts meeeee! lol