I have changed the battery more than a few times since 2005. Today however it is not responding to my directions. The cover seems to be stuck. Any clues as how to get it open? Age hasn't helped me or the battery cover
Take a small screwdriver to it and pry it open. If it cracks, the case is easily replaceable for about $10 from Amazon. When transferring the metal manual key and the small circuit board to the new case, make sure you also transfer the little black RFID chip.
So, you have done it before and you know HOW to do it, it is just stuck. I might try, down at the bottom where the sliding cover mates against the rest of the plastic, as you try to slide upward, try to insert a very thin blade, maybe a jeweler's screwdriver or even a thin knife blade -- but not something bendy. This would more of an attempt to widen the gap, rather than to pry. BE VERY CAREFUL -- could result in a serious cut. Wear gloves, try to hold the case in a vise if you have one. A second person might be helpful. One to hold, one to try to shim open along the edge.
Thanks I will try it with a screwdriver. If that doesn't work, will have to take it to the service dept. Down to one fob until I can find a replacement. Odd that with all the Prius that end up at recyclers there isn't a good fob available.
Not really that odd when a brand new fob case can be had for under $10. There's just not enough money to be made in old, used cases that require the insides transferred into them anyway. No service department is necessary to replace the case. The new case I linked to above is a snap-together case and the insides are incredibly easy to transfer by yourself. I would consider a service department for this only if they are willing to do it for free.
Basically it’s sweat that glued the cover on. Put a little alcohol on a q tip and run it among the seams of the battery cover door. Very little alcohol, and use the good stuff 91% not the 70% stuff.