I need to get my 2001 (380k miles) smogged. It runs great, but I often disconnect the 12v battery because it sits idle for long periods occasionally. Anybody know where I could find the necessary info to perform a complete "drive cycle" to get the catalyst system ready for testing? Thanks,
I recently encountered this issue since I don’t drive my 2002 Prius much. I lose regular battery power a lot since I don’t bother to disconnect or keep it on a trickle charge. I boosted it with a regular booster pack, and a month or so and went to get it smogged in California. Well it passed all of the emissions tests, however the gentleman at the shop asked, “What did you do to your car recently?” I was surprised. Well I had not done anything to it, I thought about it, and I realized that I had boosted the battery a while back. He knew something was up because the electronics indicated that something was wrong. I said I boosted the battery. And Bingo that was it! He said what I needed to do was simply put some miles on the car and that would clear out the electronics which indicated that there was a problem with the electronics that was preventing me from passing the CA smog test. And that’s what I did, I simply put a couple of hundred freeway miles on it. He advised about 100 miles would probably resolve the matter. This was from an authorized hybrid repair facility. This repair shop allowed me to return the vehicle within two weeks for a free retest and when I did the car pass with flying colors. Hope this helps.
Yes, that is exactly what is happening. However, my understanding is that just driving some number of miles may not make the car "ready" for testing. For each parameter (catalyst, 02 sensors, evap. system, etc.) to become ready, there is a specific "drive cycle" required. That may be something like "idle for 10 minutes, drive at a constant speed between 50 and 70 mph for 20 minutes, drive at a constant speed between 25 and 40 for 10 minutes, idle for 10 minutes." Each engine has different cycles for each parameter . So "go drive it for 100 miles" might work, but only if you happen to fulfill the specific requirements of the parameter you are trying to make "ready." I think this info may be in the service manual, so if somebody has a copy and could help me out, I would really appreciate it. Meanwhile, I'll keep googling.
My hybrid tech simply told me to drive about 100 free way miles. He seems to know what he’s talking about, fixed the problem. Keep it simple.
Yea, freeway miles are the key. A week ago I cleared an Evap code and then unlucky me I needed to get my smog done. I went in and it wasn't ready. Basically I was told to drive a lot of freeway miles and this would clear it, and I did this weekend. Monday morning came I and i was good to go and passed smog. I think I drove around 50 miles, mostly freeway going 50-60 (after I was told this) and it did the trick. Even though the car wasn't ready to smog, asshat mechanic charged me 40 bucks anyways and was going to charge me again when I went back, I didn't go back to him, never again.