I will pick this vehicle up on Monday 6/10/19. I traded in my 2011 Prius Two with 119,000 miles. The only problem ever with it was headlights burning out frequently which Toyota fixed. I am a little concert with all the added safety features such as blind spot monitoring, lane keeping etc will these be troublesome? When I test drive the 2018 the ride seemed vastly improved and it seem to have more power. Will I really like the 2018 ( Gen 4)?
If you have already bought it? Which it sounds like you have.... Then just enjoy it. Sounds like a little buyer remorse insecurity creeping in. -Which often happens. I haven't driven or owned a "New" Generation Prius. But I haven't really heard any complaints. I think Toyota invests a lot into evolving and improving with each generation. At this point? I'd just get ready to enjoy your new Prius. I think nearly everyone would say 2011 to a 2018 is an upgrade.
Troublesome - probably not. Of dubious value? In my opinion, yes. I turned off all of this stuff very shortly after I bought the car. None of it is very sophisticated and the response can be very abrupt or distracting. I have never had a problem keeping my car in my lane, and the car doesn't need to help me. This car is a large improvement in driving dynamics over the previous generations. The fourth generation moved to the global Toyota vehicle platform and the rear suspension is greatly improved. My son has a Gen 2 that pretty much drives like a refrigerator. The fourth generation drives like a nice car. It will be more quiet, better fuel economy, safer (better body structure, newer technology) and just a better all-around car than your old one. Enjoy!
Did they say why the headlights kept burning out? That would be my only concern because those headlights are a single integrated unit. It if burns out the whole thing has to be replaced.
That was on an old PRIUS - they had HID lamps - I was warned to avoid them, as they were very unreliable. His new one has LEDs which should last the life of the car.
Personally, I'd never turn Safety systems off - except maybe Lane Departure if driving down a mountain range. All you need is one instance of dozing off or being distracted - a fatal crash - and having to explain to the Coroner about why you turned it off - isn't worth the occasional beep annoying you. You could have a few years in jail to contemplate the issue. And potentially an insurance claim rejected - for the RollsRoyce and shopfront your car destroyed.
I've driven for many, many years without these systems and they do nothing to improve my safety. I haven't ever had a crash, dozed off at the wheel, driven off the road, etc. These are false security at best, and annoying on a daily basis. If I get to the point where I need these systems to be safe, I'll give up my license and take the bus.
Maybe these systems were not made for folks who really learned to drive in cars that were not push a switch and go. Look around when you are on the road. Folks texting and on their phones and other electronic devices. The speed limit to most is a suggestion they ignore. You know of what I speak. I really enjoy my 16 Prius and wish it did have a few of the extra whistles and bells. I have taken the old folks driving courses, online, and pay attention to what they advise. SM-T380 ?
Congrats! You will like it. It will be a huge improvement from what you had. If your new (used) 2018 is trim Two, then I don't think it comes with blind spot monitoring. I might be wrong, but that is a higher trim standard, but it maybe possible to add that on Two with an option?
This is perhaps the root of the problem. People are doing things other than driving the car with full attention. Manufacturers add more driver "aids", which masks the problem and likely encourages continued inattentive driving, since the driver now has the car helping them do what they should be doing. Then more driver aids will be added and the spiral will continue. I'm all for things that enhance crash surivability, because at that point the crash is either imminent or in progress and the driver is along for the ride. Crush zones, airbags, good seatbelts, safety glass, etc. But those items that interfere with my normal driving of the car (they don't help me, they hinder me) aren't for me. Not to make light of drunk or impaired driving, but if I had to choose between driving next to a drunk and driving next to a texter, I'd take the drunk. At least they are trying to drive.
Really! Since the blind spot monitoring is not a part of TSS-P, I thought it was an extra option. I don't have blind spot monitoring on my 2017 PRIME Premium. It came only with Advanced trim in 2017 and I think it is still that way for 2018 and maybe for 2019.
Technically they made it available but they put it on all cars and then deducted the cost so it became a mandatory zero cost "option"
Wasn't it the Halogen headlamps in the Gen 3 that kept burning out due to a poor earth connection somewhere ?
There could have been an issue with Halogen, but I don't recall. I remember when flipping a coin as to whether to buy Samantha or save $8000 and buying a superseded Gen 3 (drove one and that decided me quick smart!!) - one of the issues which people pointed out was the HID continually burning out. From memory it was suggested that the ballast (?) be replaced at the same time - each time. Though, was the HID only used in Gen 2 and earlier Gen 3 cars?