Standard Range Plus Model 3 (version 19.16.2) SOC ~75%, 15 mi (24 km) warm-up 3711 (empty weight) + 250 (driver) + 15 (EVSE, patch kit) ~= 3976 lbs (1,807 kg) 77F (25C) asphalt road surface wind 0 mph, 9:30 PM (21:30) CST The acceleration data will be used to calculate the velocity. Then I'll add the EPA roll-down drag coefficients to calculate the total force on the car and eventually the vehicle HP (kW). This will be for both chill and standard modes. . . . Those 'down spikes' are the end of the maximum acceleration runs. I targeted 80 mph as my ending speed because the car sounds an excessive speed alarm at 90 mph. Yes, I could have disabled the speed alarm but earlier GPS measured runs showed 80 mph was adequate to our goals. I'm using a Gulf Coast Data Concepts, Human Activity Monitor: Code: ;Title,, X16-MPU-ham, ADXL345, MPU-9250 ;Version, 1191, Build date, Nov 15 2016, SN:CCDC3016B4874F1 ;Start_time, 2019-06-05, 21:09:12.423 ;Temperature, -999.00, deg C, Vbat, 4174, mv ;MPU SR, 200,Hz, Accel sens, 4096,counts/g, Gyro sens, 16,counts/dps, Mag SR, 10,Hz, Mag sens, 1666,counts/mT ;Deadband, 50, counts ;DeadbandTimeout, 0,sec ;Time, Ax, Ay, Az, Gx, Gy, Gz, Mx, My, Mz 0.004486,-170,1156,-4192,5,-54,-1 0.018432,96,1210,-3916,-21,-20,-9,-311,-383,-506 0.038421,-396,1242,-4240,-20,-34,0 0.058410,-370,1302,-4166,-25,-13,-8 0.078399,680,1450,-4722,-17,-10,-7,-304,-371,-506 0.098419,-384,1138,-4572,-18,-18,0 0.118408,-584,1142,-4106,-8,1,-7 0.138397,124,978,-3978,7,15,-8 0.158386,250,1096,-4122,16,1,-5 0.178406,-640,1222,-4154,17,-12,3,-296,-387,-514 Time - seconds from start of data file. Use the header to get the 'real time' clock and date. Ax - side to side acceleration Ay - front to rear acceleration Az - top to bottom, gravity, which we use to scale 1 G Gx - rotation about the door axis Gy - rotation about the front to rear axis Gz - rotation around a vertical axis Mx - magnetic field along door axis My - magnetic field along front to rear axis Mz - magnetic field along the vertical axis MEMS accelerometer data are noisy so I used a 7 element Gaussian filter (0.063, 0.250, 0.375, 0.250, 0.063) to do a weighted average. Unlike a linear average, this preserves the local peaks while significantly reducing the noise. Each data file has 16,000 data samples covering about 5 minutes which puts a significant load on the OpenSource spreadsheet. Somewhat arbitrary, I used 500 counts, 500/4096 ~= 12.2% G, to trim the non-acceleration elements reducing the samples to 2,185 which was easily handled by the spreadsheet. . . . So this is what the velocity looks like: Remember, my car has a heavy driver, the EVSE, and a tire patch kit. . . . Both Chill and Standard mode acceleration metrics: HP - the inertial power needed to accelerate the car and contents drag - the power needed to handle rolling, transmission, and aerodynamic drag Total HP - the total power needed at the drive wheels Bob Wilson
I still have no interest in replacing my Prius with a Tesla. But.. a Tesla to replace my aging Mustang? That's becoming an interesting thought. Model 3 seems to match up well with a new Mustang GT both in price and performance. Can a Tesla simulate V8 sounds yet? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
There is a third party working on, or has, a sound generator for hybrids and EVs. The make one for traditional cars that plugs in to the 12 volt outlet, and projects engine sounds over the speakers. The EV version could project the sounds outside the car.
It should plug into the obd2 port so it can match vehicle speed and throttle (driver demand). One thing that I found annoying about the Prius, and I assume EVs, is I can't tell how fast I'm going based on sound. I'm very used to hearing the engine rpm change precisely with changes in speed. Decades ago I had a Chevette and could tell my speed almost exactly by ear based on what was rattling. Different speeds caused harmonic frequencies with different parts. A good highway cruising speed was just fast enough to make the muffler rattle go away, but slow enough not to set some interior part buzzing. I seem to have digressed! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Had a Buick with sometimes working speedometer. Tire vibration got noticable at 60mph. Then I got new tires. Here are some sound generators. Eveess || SoundRacer Exhaust Boost System | Sound Booster Pro by KUFATEC
I gave my favorite BMW mechanic a test drive in our Model 3. I explained that in "chill" mode it has the same driving characteristics as our BMW i3-REx and he confirmed it. Then we had a fun drive including AutoPilot and AutoPilot on Navigate. Bob Wilson
Teslas are 'lectric. I'm thinking that a 'stick and seat' shaker along with the appropriate engine sounds....say....from a perfectly muzzled, blown flat-8 would be worth thousands as an OEM upgrade. There ARE some norms working at Tesla. There HAVE to be. One early model is presently in a heliocentric orbit, and....they make the Plaid version.
As one who now needs hearing aids, and lives near a street where people are accelerating after a speed bump, I have been wondering if all those with mods to their sound generators will be in the same fix as I am in. Though mine from too many hours in a server room. I never found the need to add sound even though I was lucky enough to own several performance oriented cars. Someday, I hope you make it to Indy and sit near the track. Now that is a sound.
As a proud Hoosier, I've already knocked that off of the bucket list. I was there back in the day when Tom broke 200, Janet motored through the glass ceiling, and Tony four-peated. Pro Tip: Turn three, qualifying runs. Of course, I used to go when the prices of the main event were cheaper than the tickets that they now sell for the qualifying runs, and I'd rather listen to our Vice President speaking on a looped broadcast for a week than venture into the brickyard during the last week in May. SO.... If you live on a street where people slow down for speed bumps (**) then you know that not all states and municipalities enforce noise ordinances. HOWEVER (comma!) You also know or SHOULD know that most of the "noise" these days seem to come from the INSIDE of the car. A tinnitus sufferer myself I do not "blame" vehicle exhaust, 70's rock, pressure differentials on submarines, or sport shooting - especially the latter since I ALWAYS wore and wear ear muffs. I blame ME. I earned money as a child cutting grass, and using weed whackers, chainsaws and other mildly muffled lawn-care appliances. **Like the Inflation Reduction Act, speed bumps are curiously named!