This Is the SF90 Stradale, The Most Powerful Ferrari Ever I had a laugh about that front-wheel drive Ferrari bit.
I don't see what the big deal is. IRC, the LaFerrari came out in 2013 or 2014, and it is/was a hybrid This is news I guess because it's a plug-in? Ferrari has an all-electric on the development stage also. I like keeping records of stodgy arrogant big mouths when they shoot off their claptrap. All this electric development makes me smile. Here's why. Of course Porsche & others regularly eat their lunch on the racetrack so yeah it's been expected Ferrari will continue to get with the times. Here's another one of the Ferrari companies dumb quotes; Ferrari Says It Will Be First To Make True Electric Supercar Shortly thereafter, the Chinese built and all electric supercar, limited production, and proceeded to blow away the German race track record at Nürburgring. Iirc, shortly after that, it was a hybrid made by McLaren that barely topped that record. Then there was the Supercar, all electric by VW that blew away all other records on Pikes Reak Colorado Hill Climb (only vehicle ever to make it in under 8 minutes) That's right Ferrari, you have to catch up to the Chinese, & Volkswagen. Ouch, that's gotta sting. Helloooow - Ferrari? anybody home? .
@hill at the risk of sounding insensitive, let’s just say he’s no longer running the company (you can google it)
yes - it's corporate now. They went public. The family had a hissy fit over it too. , I'll let it go at this, my favorite Enzo quote Enzo Anselmo Ferrari .
LOL, hill is hella triggered. Ferrari is Ferrari. They have so many customers wanting their cars that they have a (not so) secret preferred customer list. Actually, if you drive a whoooooole lot, Ferrari's 3-year, unlimited mile warranty might be attractive (good luck getting anything-near-reasonable insurance for it, my friends' have like 4500-mile annual limits) Cauley Ferrari Common Q&A I'm sure there's a lot cheaper ways to get an unlimited mile warranty though.
TOYOTA does unlimited kms on PRIUS - 5 yrs on the car, 7 yrs on the drivetrain, 10 yrs on the Hybrid battery.
That's how Toyota's HSD handles reverse. In the US it's; 3yrs/36k miles for the car, 5yrs/60k miles for the powertrain and corrosion, and the hybrid system battery falls under emissions. There is a federally mandated one of 8yrs/100k miles. In some CARB states, a car's emission warranty could be 10yrs/150k miles. In those states, having the longer warranty was a requirement for qualifying for incentives.
Motors in (at least some of the older) Teslas are infinite mile warranty. Autotrader - page unavailable Some are over the 400k mile mark, so it might be more than just a clever marketing campaign. Some of those cars are closing in on their 7yr anniversary. That means the battery capacity may drop too much (presuming owners will want to remain above, say, a hundred forty miles range) for their owners - before the electric motors take a dump. .