This morning, when I turned on my car, the car goes into ready mode but display shows nothing. Nothing as in no battery meter, no arrows indicating power, no temperature, and no consumption info. I was not able to see the AC screen either. The radio turns on but I don't know what station it's on. The car is still driveable at this point. After a few minutes, then the screen shows all the info and everything is accessible. I shut off the car and restarted to the same results. Any idea why this is happening? Any cause for concern?
when the screen comes on, do you get a message telling you to check the a/c connection? if so, that's a known issue and there is a tsb to replace it. if not, it may be a loose connection somewhere.
"It" being the multi-display. You've got an '04 and many of us have had issues with that product. Get it replaced at the dealer. If you're under 36k miles they should give you no problem at all. If you're over 36k you may have to complain, call Toyota customer car, explain how this isn't a part that should go bad, etc...but Toyota HAS been covering this part out of warranty if you stick to your guns.
I get the check AC connection message only when i press the climate button. I have just over 24k miles on it. Thanks for your replies. I'll schedule a service appointment.
It's probably the MFD failure. I had that but I haven't replaced my screen yet. I somehow managed to "fix" it by wiggling a few wires back behind the radio. I think I might take it in just in case but when the next oil change comes around.
Rats dido dido dido, comes of entertaining family and not beeing on the board. Final note let everone know how it comes out, like you would'nt? DTCs?