My Prius Prime was rear ended a month ago (minor damage). After getting it fixed - 3 weeks later I got a Hybrid System malfunction light in the car. It brought it back to collision company, they reset computer and the error went away. Yesterday it came back on again. In addition it appears to me that the gas engine is not working as it should and the battery are overworking to move the car. The MPG on the car is above normal.
you're probably the victim of an overactive imagination. the hybrid warning though, that's nothing to ignore. you're going to have to have the codes read, and if it is related to the accident, have the repair shop bill the insurance company. resetting the code just resets the code, it doesn't fix the problem. they probably missed something while they were in there, body work hybrids takes extra skills.
The collision may have caused an intermittent ground fault or some other issue. It might be as simple as a loose connection from the jolt. As @bisco said, you have to read the codes to know what it is.
Thanks. I’m going to bring it back this week. The MPG is way above. I am use to getting 50-60mpg, but at times it is getting closer to 80mpg.
Those mpg numbers are a real mystery to me unless it's using up your EV range and not replacing it. Hmmm That give me an idea. If the fault is in the charging circuit, it might let you drive a while before it notices the problem. If so, you should see EV range going down even in HV mode. I'm just guessing, though. It needs attention from a dealer or other Prius pro.
You mean the difference in mpg is all on HV mode with no EV range left? Are you charging the traction battery?
Drive to work today (mostly highway) No warning lights were on. See pic below...fir those of you who ay attention to these details, does this seem normal?
It would depend somewhat on how hilly and how many stops. Given your average speed, I'd say it's entirely within the normal range. I sure wish I could average 49 mph on my drive to work. I do well to average 20, and the speed limits are 40-50.
Brought it to dealer. After a day they figured out the negative battery terminal was loose - which is causing the warning lights and the above average MPG
Glad to hear they solved a mystery. Just curious, was the above average MPG you were seeing just a computer glitch or was it real mpg improvement? If it was REAL, I am going to loosen my negative battery terminal. lol
Yeah I kind of don't believe them. The ground was loose, so the car thought it should use more EV and run the engine less? Maybe they're just trying to avoid diagnosing the increased MPG / get you out the door.