I'm looking for the wires that go positive when the car doors are closed. These wires are tapped into and diode isolated into the door trigger wire of the alarm. I found the blue and brown wires on the 30 pin connector go hot when the door is closed and ground when its opened (negative door trigger). I told there is a brown and grey wire for the rear doors on different 36 pin connector, but I can't find them. I know the car has a built-in factory alarm, but I'm doing a combo alarm/remote start with fantastic range. I know I could use a data-link device to do all this via the CAN bus, but this is a home-brew interface to the car which gives it some very cool features that just can't be done any other way. So all I need is the location of those two door trigger wires for the rear doors. Thanks much.
Oh god, I think I know where they are. They are on connectors to the ECU, but on the back side, holy hell, this is gonna suck.