As long as you don't mind losing the CD player (if you had one) on your 2001-2003 Prius this GROM unit fools the radio into thinking the AUX input is the CD Player so you can plug in your phone, iPod, satellite tuner, etc. GROM Audio TOYOA1 for Select Lexus Toyota AUX-in Interface MP3 When installing access the back of the radio connection port by removing the glovebox and going in sideways. Do not try to remove the large "T shaped" center dash panel, it will break! Note, the cheaper DOES NOT work in the Gen1 Prius even thought the connector mates with the radio.
I ordered this a week or so ago and it should be delivered soon. I have a CD player that I never use so not fussed by disconnecting it. The video on the GROM website shows the method of connection but not then what to do with the GROM device once it’s connected....I’m thinking I might just remove the CD player, which I guess (not overly mechanically minded here) is a fairly simple job and won’t cause any downstream issues with the in car audio.
Removal is pretty straight forward. You can remove the CD player and replace with the factory storage pocket if you can find a used one on Ebay or a salvage yard. Keep the left and right metal mounting brackets from the CD player, they may be useful if you ever want to install an aftermarket radio in the space where the CD player was. You can ziptie the Grom unit up under the dash somewhere, plenty of length in the wires to do so. My original posting may not have been clear, DO NOT BUY THE YOMIKOO it doesn't work in the Gen1 Prius. GROM is the one you want!
If the DICE unit that I used in my Gen 1 is still available (or some newer version), it pretended to be a minidisc changer instead of a CD changer, so it wouldn't conflict with a CD changer you already had. It also came with a simple error in its wiring harness that made it not work in Gen 1, but was easy to fix with wire cutters (details in the thread). If the YOMIKOO has a similar problem, it might have a similar fix.
Hi Paul, This is fantastic!!!. Would you happen to have the model number of the GROM or link to it? I’m ready to do this. Have you seen any Bluetooth devices that would be compatible? Many, many thanks.
If the GROM thingy just has a wired aux input, I like this nice little barebones Bluetooth receiver which will connect to it. It won't give you any display or control from the car's headunit, but you'll hear the music. I like the kinds of product that do just what they say on the tin, no more, no less. This is one of those. It won't track you or make you set up a cloud account or anything, just pairs with your phone and passes the music along to the aux jack. If you have an NFC-enabled phone, you pair by just bonking the phone on the box. ... but there might be companies making a Bluetooth adapter you could connect right to the headunit (in other words, instead of the GROM), that might even show you titles, etc.
Hi Sandy, I don't know whether you've done anything with this yet, but I put a GROM in my '03 months ago. It was well worth it and the install was a breeze. I've only just registered at the site recently and apparently haven't posted enough to provide links! But just look up GROM's website, plug in the car info and you'll get a page of options. I went for the TOYOU3 - little black box with USB port plus 2 DIN connectors of some kind. Hopefully the pic below will show up. It goes Bluetooth if you buy the adapter (which does into one of those DINs). I ended up ordering from GROM's store on eBay because at the time they actually listed it there about $10 cheaper than their web page.