Occasionally people need to put something into the rear cargo area that's bigger than the your Prime can handle, when you drive down the road with your hatch open you get a constant irritating beeping sound & a yellow flashing dash light which doesn't stop. Here's how you solve this problem: First load your large cargo & make sure it's strapped down well so that it can't fall out. Then while the rear hatch is in its upper position, take a good look at your locking mechanism. You'll notice that your locking mechanism is in its downward "Open" position, take any small sturdy object like a screwdriver, pen/pencil, or car key and press it up into the locking mechanism so that you are manually closing the lock. You'll now see the locking mechanism rotate counterclockwise about ~170 degrees into its upper locked position. After everything is secure and you locked the locking mechanism, tie down your hatch with bungee cord or something similar so that your rear hatch won't bounce up & down. Now,...no more beeping ! REMEMBER: Press your Hatch Unlock Switch above your licence plate (not key fob) Before you go to close it, if you forget, it won't close. Rob43
On our 3rd gen I pushed a carabiner (with roughly the same dimensions as the hatch U-bar piece) into the locking mechanism in the threshold. It clicked shut on it, locked on it, but still made the beeping sound, ALL the way to destination. Not sure why, maybe not quite the right dimensions? Or I'm missing something? A different gen, too. I did utilize the carabiner, tied down the hatch using it, some consolation.
I can only report on our 2013 Prius v & Prime, this technique works perfectly on both of them. I figured this out back in 2015 when I was constantly hauling my sons 12v Powerwheels ATV toy, it didn't fit into the rear cargo area of our wagon, the beeping drove me nuts. EDIT: There are two locking positions, the first counterclockwise rotation gives about ~85 degrees with a click, the second gives roughly another ~85 degrees with a click. The full ~170 degrees must be achieved to stop the beeping. Rob43
I own/drive a 2012 Prius C two. I just bought my first house. Sometimes I haul items that are longer than my Prius C. So I have to leave the back hatch open. I usually tie it down with bungee cords or twine. When I drive with the hatch open it the Prius C does the annoying door opening beep. How/can I turn the beep off? If something similar is already posted please point me in the right direction. Also, if this is in more than one forum PLEASE do not flag/mark it as spam. THANK YOU!