Hi Anybody knows how to remove this plastic trim around instrument cluster? There is clip rattling behind this trim.. wanted to tighten it.
Might be a case where you have to take the rest of the dash off first then? They seem to enjoy designing it that way ....
Gen 2 is like that. You have to take all the plastic off to access the combo meter. Not hard, just lots of stuff.
Yeah I wanted to have a look at our 3rd gens temp/humid sensor. It's right by your right knee. I had to take off the shifter, centre console, various central trim bits. Just nuts. I have pics here somewhere, looks half gutted, lol.
Im having thw same problem with my 2016 prius. Mosquito noise. Im thinking of taking all that dash apart. Makes me crazy.if i put a heavy weight on the dash, it stops. Any good youtube on yhat matter?
I'l be googling for that when I get time to address my little buzz. Mine sounds like it's right behind the 11.6" display. It's not bad enough to take it to a shop, but it might be worth fidiling with myself when I have some time.
That video shows the way to take off the lower dash, the upper dash (behind the MFD cluster), isn't too difficult. I forget if the A-pillar covers needed to come off first, I think not, but doesn't hurt to look closely to see what is overlapping what. Remove the speaker grilles, they just pop out (but using a plastic pry tool makes it MUCH easier), there may be bolts under the grilles, I can't recall, then pull the entire piece back at an upward angle, paying special attention to the rearmost corners, as they have clips on them.
I didn't have time to read the whole thread, but it looks like that is a TSB just for the 2016, and not for Prime. Also, it addresses a buzz from the left, not the center, as I'm experiencing and as per the original post. That said, there could be a very similar cause to both of these noises.