Hi Guys, My question is this: I'm looking at purchasing an awning that comes in a box that measures 102"(about 8.4ft)in length and about 6" in width and height. Do you think that with the front passenger seat folded down, as well as the rear, that this box would fit in a diagonal orientation on the inside of the Prius?
best bet might be to leave the back seat up and slide it up against the windshield, or into the passenger footwell.
Eight feet is an easy fit with front and back seat down. At 8'-4", you might need to put the front end on the dash on a pillow. Not sure the hatch would close if you left the seats up and put it on them.
If it absolutely won't fit, let it hang out a bit, push a carabiner into the hatch threshold latch, push a piece of pipe foam insulation onto the lip of the hatch, loop a rope through the hatch tang and the carabiner, and synch the hatch tightly down against your package. If it sticks out significantly put a red flag on the back. You will likely have to contend with a constant warning beep. Also, it'd be good to drive with windows down, though I doubt there'd be CO issues, but who knows.
I'm almost positive you'll be fine, but probably need the front seat down, too. And @Mendel Leisk has a great back-up idea in case something goes awry.
I recently carried a 7'4" tall grandfather clock, by pushing the right front seat all the way forward and all the way back, approximately level with the folded-down rear seat. There appeared to be around one foot clearance between the dash and the top of the clock. Removing the seat would allow long straight cargo to extend farther forward. That bugger was heavy, too!
Cool! I was pretty sure it would, but it's always easier to say, "Aw, it'll fit! No problem." when it's me and my car than someone else's car.