I drive a Prius Prime. A friend at work got a blue Model 3 4WD extended range. We had to go together somewhere today so we took his car. Part of the route is my route to and from work so I drive it every day. First impression is that it's quiet, just like my Prime in EV mode. Second impression is that the ride is very harsh. I knew it has more sport-tuned suspension than the S or most regular non-sports cars, but I didn't expect it to be so jarring. It's well damped but very stiff. Flat turns but harsh as hell over bumps, at least compared to my Prime. He passed a guy in front who was going about 55, and the car went from 55 to 85 in what seemed like the blink of an eye. I knew these things were fast and was expecting it, but it's still impressively powerful. He didn't get the performance version but the 4WD ER is pretty strong anyway. The display is smaller looking in real life than in the pictures. I couldn't get it to do what I wanted it to do. I tried a few things - get a power monitor, play an album from the streaming music service, play a song from the streaming music service. Failed on all attempts. I'm not sure if this is just user error. The outside door handles are less annoying than expected. The buttons on the inside for the doors are more annoying than expected. I didn't like that window-roll-down, pop slightly open electrically approach at all. I could probably get used to it. I didn't drive it but the lack of gauges would probably bother me since I'm used to the HUD in my Prime and the Model 3 is the opposite. It's more of a heads down display. Overall, not bad but I would avoid the car just because I'm no longer into sport-tuned suspension. I drive on a lot of bumpy roads and prefer a smooth ride to a harsh one.
I drove a PIP for 6+ years just prior to getting my Model 3. I go 2-3 months without driving the PIP...then everytime I go back and drive it I am amazed at how uncomfortable and unsafe it feels. I think part of it is what you are used to. Part of it is the settings you use on the M3. I drive in "chill" mode most of the time. Even so it is very fast. My wife won't let me demo the speed to anyone else on a freeway ramp. I would accept 1-2 seconds less 0-60 mph for a discount. I'm not sure how you could not get a power monitor. It is two taps. Did the driver not show you? The streaming services depend on the local wireless connections. 5-10% of the time I can't connect for a few seconds or a minute when I get in the car, especially after being parked in a structure. But then Toyota Entune seemed almost unusable while driving, especially with the tiny screen. When I got my first Prius it was the first car I owned without a Tach. Eventually I moved on. Mike
He didn't know and I tapped on practically everything. I could only find efficiency and such. It had a connection, just couldn't get it to play the song. The song would come up and it would play something else entirely different.
If you swipe from the lower left you get trip meters which include just the wh/mile If you tap the lower left icon it brings up 6 mini apps, one of them shows the energy display I use "tune in" to live stream AM radio and other things, for example. I also listen to FM channels, podcasts and some streaming music channels. I set everything up as favorites, so at this point I can't remember how half of it works...but you do this while parked. I also setup a custom home screen with a 3rd party web site...but it asks for my password too often so its close to useless to me. (It has a news feed, weather, time (big font) and other nice things) Mike
Yes...wh/mile and the energy display are the only things I could find, but energy isn't power, it's the integral of power over time.
Does he have the 19” wheels? Those would ride more harshly than the 18”. But otherwise, yeah it’s a sport sedan so it will ride stiffer than a Prime and its 65 series sidewalls.
Eh you get used to where the controls and functions are. You can actually swipe one from the bottom on the audio portion (or other menus) to go from minimize to half to full screen. Just drag your finger from the bottom to the top. You can also minimize a full screen from the top and swipe down. You don’t need to hit “x” to minimize. The UI for entertainment great once you get used to it. It takes a few days. Also on the tires, the 18 are more comfortable. And tesla recommends 45 psi tire pressure. I air mine down to 38 psi. I have 300+ of range so range isn’t an issue for me. My model 3 accelerates like a rocket! I feel my stomach reacting it’s a weird feeling. I can jump from 30 to 60 super quick. It’s nuts. I actually drive in chill mode a lot to help me not get a speeding ticket.
If you are looking for the "power meter" it is right under the speedometer. You can't turn it off. As far as ride, yes, not going to be as comfortable as a Cadillac. These things were built to handle well, hence the stiffer ride, as you noted. Voice works decent with music. But you can't play an exact song because the service is similar to Pandora. When I want a specific song or playlist I just use Spotify from my phone on bluetooth. I appreciate the honest feedback that you had and pointing out the positives when you saw them.
yes, it is a thin (too thin IMO) line between the speedometer and the car view. I didn't even notice it for the first week or two I had the car.