there are lots of overvalued stocks. many (most) are being manipulated by wall street traders. if tesla is overvalued, it is not musks fault, and any statements h has made have been accounted for by the sec.
and to be clear, i don't have a problem with shorting, just with possible criminal intent and actions, as well as paying people to try and make a company look bad through half truths and actions.
Exactly what the not-a-crime warrants for such behavior would be my guess. This is all pretty easy to suss out once you remove politics and virtue signaling from the equation. There are people who invest in the market. There are people who play the market...AND... There are people who skipper publicly traded companies. In a world where nearly NO CEOs get to take perp walks for their misdeeds, it gets a little more complicated but in the end they don't let 3-year-olds play in the streets for a pretty good reason, and when one gets in the way of a truck driver, it's not always the driver's fault. In other words....if some hipsters get caught in the flip, then I'm not really in a mood to blame people who trade on the street BECAUSE smart money doesn't play in the street to begin with and smart companies don't need to leverage themselves until their eyeballs bleed to get things done in this country. If Tesla went Tango-Uniform TODAY.....they would still be building Teslas at the end of the year simply because there are demands for these cars and the crooked-T as a brand is still worth more than $0. For the same reason whether or not they're building Teslas 10 years from now has almost NOTHING to do with whether or not the current CEO herds the company off a cliff and into bankruptcy court. The only people who would be hurt by a 2019 stock price collapse pretty much deserve to be - and I'm not going to be looking for people that drive $45,000 cars to be on food assistance just because they bought a few thou in Tesla stock and the stock price tanks...because....there's a sucker born every minute. If they keep making them and people keep buying them, it will be because the product is still relevant for enough people to keep the flag on the top of the mast. I wouldn't buy one myself, but there are others who wouldn't buy anything else. The Earth isn't going to live or die on the difference because contrary to what people say on TV, there are ACTUALLY other companies that make BEVs - and some of them are probably real-world reliable (not that Teslas aren't ) and some of their CEOs didn't go to the DJT school of wealth management (Not that Elon did.... ) it goes.
however, i have read a few instances of dangerous driving and trespassing, and wonder why there aren't arrests and prosecutions.
Then he should fully commit to Tesla and step done from his role in all other companies. From his wiki page (all companies that he is a current CEO, Designer or Chairman): Founder, CEO, Lead Designer of SpaceX CEO, Product Architect of Tesla, Inc. Co-founder, CEO of Neuralink Chairman of SolarCity Anyone of those is a full time job and any time he's dedicating to the others is time he isn't dedicating to Tesla. Its long past time that his Tesla shareholders, employees and the public that supports his efforts give him an ultimatum: Be a full-time Tesla CEO or resign.
i disagree, but it's just an opinion. i think he's doing a great job with each company. amazing individual. tesla is right where i would expect them to be after a decade plus of designing and building bev's, along with all that goes with building any company, and including the charging infrastructure and battery factory. i really don't think some people understand how successful this really is, and how amazing. take away the media hype, and look at the accomplishments.