So here is my sad head gasket story...I have a 2010 Prius V with 177,000 miles. I have never had any problems with the car and it has never overheated. I started having cold start knocking and knocking when the engine would kick in after idoling, which eventually led to a check engine light. I took the car in for a diagnostic and had the misfire codes, p301,302,304 I had all spark plugs changed, all 4 coils replaced and did a fuel system clean. After all of this the car seemed to run better but still got a cold start knocking and engine light 2 days later. After taking it back today, the mechanic put 150 psi air through the gasket and got bubbles in the coolant and was told this was definitely due to a blown head gasket. Any thoughts on how to move forward? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Two choices, change the head gasket or get another engine. Both are big jobs so you might shop around.
No I did not but will if it could fix the problem. It wasn't brought up by the mechanic. Can you give me a little more info as to the thought process behind that so I can explain it to the mechanic? Thanks!
You have 3 options: 1) replace the head gasket (which should also include resurfacing the cylinder head and new valve stem seals). If the engine has no damage to the bottom-end and does not burn oil this can be viable option. Cost should be $2K - $3500. A new engine water pump (Aisin brand or Toyota $300-$500) is also a good idea. 2) If the engine burns oil or has bottom-end damage (I.e. bent connecting rods), then a new short block from Toyota ($2k) will also be needed. Combine this with the cost of the head gasket job and some additional labor and your bill will be $6K-$8K. 3) Find the lowest mileage used engine available, preferably from a 2015. There is one near me with 48k miles where they are asking $2k for it. Labor to swap the engine is probably $1-$2k.
That is strictly your opinion (and maybe a few others). Besides, the head gasket is already blown. Let’s focus on getting the OP back on the road instead of sidetracking the discussion.
Yes, and I am well aware of how they look. Not all of them are clogged. It really depends on the driving conditions that the vehicle was subjected to. Mine was not plugged at 180k either. We have had this public discussion many times. This subject adds zero value to this person’s situation.
Thanks for the info, I don't believe my car is burning oil, not sure what it looks like on the bottom though. Is that something that is easily visible or does that require taking it apart to see?
Well I guess your one of the few! Thanks for letting us know. This is the type of information we can all benefit from. To OP hope it all works out for you, replacing with a used motor is going to be cheaper.
Before you get the head gasket sorted, since inthe Tampa area, have you healed with Todd at ? Worth a shot, but the head gasket is gone. Good to know your options before the next steps .
I am not sure I understand "healed with Todd" but willing to try anything including a head gasket healing haha
I think he meant "dealed" as in traded your Prius or checked with the guy for mechanic recommendations. There are some small shops that can do Prius work for less than a dealer but obviously you want someone with a good track record. Home - Tampa Hybrids Inc.
It’s come up with some creative ones over the 3 years I’ve had it. The worst one is when it shortens “the” to “te”. Easy to miss when typing a response .
Jessica, The Critic is right. You have those three choices, and it really all depends on how much you want to spend. If I woke up in your shoes, I would probably spend the $3-4K and replace the engine with as low mileage a unit as I can find using a local non-dealer mechanic. This is because something MADE your head gasket fail that will not be addressed by simply replacing the head gasket, and that something might have also over-stressed other parts of your motor that might fail later, so really, doing an engine swap is the only sure-fire cure. The downside is that it's about twice as expensive as what I would do if I woke up with your problem and I were in MY shoes Which would be.... If you have a really sharp local non-dealer mechanic, and that person can be trusted then you might roll the dice and just do a $2k head gasket replacement but then we're going to have to have a frank discussion on why this all happened in the first place. Later. Before we go through all that I would tell your mechanic to also clean the EGR circuit while he or she has your top end apart....and maybe install an oil catch can. Also when and if you get the car back running again I would start doing oil changes every 5,000 miles instead of 10. If you get the car back on the road then start looking at long term maintenance and repairs (battery, inverter/coolant maintenance, transaxle fluid changes, etc....) You have a 10 year old car with almost 180,000 miles. You can do $2k worth of repairs now and maybe spend 2K in maintenance over time and get another 70,000-100,000 miles out of this car or you can start making car payments again. THAT'S your real choice. Your call! Good Luck!