Hi all, I bought an '08 Prius few days ago, messing around with the controls, I noticied that when I pull the windshield fluid control arm towards me, it sprays water on the rear windows but activates the front windshield wipers I assume this isn't normal is it?
You are correct, it is definitely wrong. Sounds like some one has reconnected the plumbing in reverse. I bet if you activate the rear window washer, it will spray the windshield. hopefully it's at the front end by the washer bottle where is it wrong, and easy to get to to correct.
Thanks for your reply. How would I properly reconnect it? I did disconnect the electrical wiring bottle, I thought that if I swap the 2 wires that would solve the issue, but they wouldn't fit in the opposite inlets.
I don't really understanding what you mean by "the electrical wiring bottle". I can't say I have any first-hand knowledge about it, but I wouldn't be messing with wiring. My inclination would be to look at the tubing coming from the washer bottle. I'd expect to see two tubes coming off, one going to the front washers and one going to the rear washer. I'd disconnect them and swap them around. I'll have to look when it is light and stopped raining, tomorrow before I could say with more certainty.
Swapping the tubing at the washer bottle won't do anything that's just the water feed's to the front and back pumps. Its either the control wiring to the pumps is swapped or the stalk switch is bad. If you just bought the car is it a salvage title and got hit in the front? Many times on a rebuild they make mistakes with the wiring. If not join Toyota.com/owners site and then put in the vin and you'll be able to see anything that was ever done to the car at a Toyota dealer.
On a related note, when you pull back to activate the washer spray, are the wipers supposed to wipe the windshield a few times then stop? When I pull back on my wiper stalk, it only sprays wiper fluid. It does not wipe unless I actually activate the wipers (moving the wiper stalk up or down). It's really irritating....