Radisson hotel Free charging. 30 amp gfc 110 outlet. Glad I brought my cable Tesla cable hook works great for tension relief. Nice.
well done! hope to see more and more hotels with charging stations. even 120v outlets in a secure location would be helpful.
boy that is a dumb and expensive place to put a charging station... spent a ton to redo the sidewalk, curb, for no good reason. trip hazards, mowing hazards, ugh. could have done it a dozen different ways, i think all of them would have been better than this and look at teh size of that spot, is there some new EV called the colossus? its like 2 whole spots wide !!
Yes! you can't see from the picture, but the Tesla next door is parked like crazy twisted, I'm not sure if they were bad parkers, or were trying to well, i don't know, if they were worried about the other side, they could have parked real close to the middle/mine, and had FEET between the next slot. The whole thing was weird, the Radisson folks were confused about EV charging in general, but as best as i could explain to them, they seemed totally fine with what i did. It wasn't exactly choice parking, but the electricity was nice
Good on you. They provided it and you used it. I've done that on occasions at super slow 8A speed and 12A speed. Took forever both times.
i charge my prime every night at 12 amp speed !! and wife charges hers every night at 8 amp speed (she doesnt even know it) i'm not dying to charge quickly during the day /running errands. if the prime flips into HV once a week i'm ok with that nothing wrong with slow , oem, charging !!
I had the 240v EVSE installed before I took delivery on the car, and I was future proofing. That was the thinking. If Illinois doesn't charge us the $1K per year registration fine/penalty for a future BEV I might be mostly set. I like the faster charge rate (2 hr.) for quicker turn arounds if I'm doing a bunch of errands. I've charged up to 3 times in a day. Mighty handy for the (very) occasional longer out and back trips. That said, if I could safely charge it overnight at 6-8 hours, I wouldn't mind. But the car is kept outside only several feet from the street (near a high school) in an area I wouldn't want to keep an eye on it all night.
That's actually not a bad spot. Looks like that stand is designed to support two vehicles. They converted three parking slots into two with a clear area in front of the charger with a narrow space to make it less likely that somebody will try to park there and back into the pole. Since the adjacent parking spots were not moved, that makes the two charging spaces extra wide. No grass around the pole, so no string trimmer or mower damage. It's pretty cheap to cut out a bit of grass, pour a slab and put in two new curbs, particularly since they already had to excavate down to the underground conduit with the power. And, no charging cables over the sidewalk, so no trip hazard on the sidewalk. A clear walkpath with no curbs from the cars to the charging pole. The surface mount conduit in the back is the power supply, so that likely drove putting the pole near that location. And it looks like there is an existing overhead light in that location, since there is already a door there. What would you envision as a better location to retrofit into an existing parking lot?
Somebody had to put tape on the cable to charge their car... So who gets sued when first person trips on it, hotel, car owner, installer, tape guy? Answer is all of the above!! Cable also laying on the grass, first lawnmower guy will either A. Destroy it B. Get electrocuted C. Both. Who gets sued?? All of the above. Snow plow guy, in his lifted f350 dually , will see that cute pole and it's cute little cutout at asphalt grade level. He will either A. Plow it over for fun. B. bury it in a 10 ft mountain of snow. Tesla guy will still try to charge his car because, it's like, a Tesla! And get electrocuted because , it's like, 30amps! Who gets sued? Add Tesla to the list above, and snow plow guy . Then after 3 yrs of litigation insurance pays everybody, but hotel removed charging stations within 24 hours of the first incident, due to liability concerns... Nationwide. Lol. Fun story, but it will happen. All this charging infrastructure is in it's infancy, and good designs haven't been vetted in the real world with real civilians, our fellow citizens, who might try to light their barbecue with a charging station if you let them.
And yet millions pump many gallons of flammable gasoline into vehicles each day with no problems. But a breaker and GFI protected setup like this is apparently a death trap pending litigiation. "Somebody had to put tape on the cable to charge their car" Not following you here. "Cable also laying on the grass, first lawnmower guy will either A. Destroy it B. Get electrocuted C. Both" Nobody is mowing the grass at night, and this is when cars are typically plugged in. Even during the day, and even if the lawnmower were totally incompetent and did manage to run over the clearly visible cable, he wouldn't be electrocuted due to the GFI required on all outdoor power outlets. Snow plow guy has as much chance of plowing over that pole as he does scraping up the car stops all over the lot.
I agree with your entire post. What are you going on about? That cable is not taped to the ground. I have the same sticker on my supplied 110V charging cable and so do you (unless you took it off).
maybe its the sticker.. but first thing i thought was the owner put a piece of tape on the cable to lower tripping risk. wow you guys have no sense of humor. my original observation was a lots of money wasted to install since it would have been fine to install on the original sidewalk if one was there. might have been grass. and after decades of gas pumping regs are very strict. i doubt there are as many time tested regs with the chargers. thus leaving an opening for lawyers to exploit. so half in jest/ half serious. i'll lighten up and agree the install is wonderful. i didnt pay for it, so none of my business. free charging !! my favorite kind.
Don't you need a Fast Charger Adapter to get the faster charging rate? Where do you purchase the adapter....Toyota or aftermarket. Thanks for any help you can provide.
The "fast charger" referred here is L2 EVSE which operate at 240V rather than 120V. There is no adapter per se, most of the public charge stations are L2. If you have a 240V circuit installed at your home, you can also charge using dedicated L2 EVSE or using pig tale plug converter to connect your OEM L1 EVSE into 240V plug as many have done.