Girlfriend looking at a new car. Dealer has a demo model that she loves. It has 6,000 miles. The MSRP is about $31,000. How much discount is reasonable? They’re offering $3,000 off, but I was thinking maybe $5,000 to $6,000, what do you think?
$3,000 off on this used demo is an insult...barely acceptable for a new one with only 10 miles on her clock. With an MSRP of $31K you should walk out the door...including TTL...for between $24-$25K...max. Use your own financing and not use a trade in. They will get you with "their" Chinese algebra.
It's not a new car. It is used. Price accordingly. Check used prices in your area. I would say $10K off is more likely where it should be. No matter what the dealer says, "It is USED."
What was the 6000 miles doing? That's a lot of "test drives" - or was it used as a company car by a "caring" divisional manager of the dealership? - or loan car for 1200 people while their car is in service?
Heck no! They build cars in factories by the thousands. No point in falling in love with just one of them. There’s always another.
I’d say 24-25k tops out the door. That’s about 7k off KBB. They would knock at least 7k off if you were trading it in. If not 10k like bisco said.
But I will say the original owner of mine got it as a demo with 3500 on the odometer. He had 100% of the new car warranty.
That's a point - not sure about there, but here, the warranty starts when the car is first registered - so if the dealer has had it for a year registered - there's a fair chunk of your warranty gone.
Sometimes the dealer will agree to give the extra to make up the time/distance. Not sure what it is where you are, but here they get unlimited kms/5 yrs, and 7 yrs on drivetrain if it's serviced to full logbook standard (10 yrs unlimited kms on battery).
When the dealer notates the “in service” date and mileage, that’s the official start of the warranty period. As long as the car is still on the “Certificate of Origin”, and hasn’t been registered, it’s officially new, even if it has miles on it.
Are we talking about a Prius here? If so, what specific model Prius. Otherwise I will just throw out a number like everybody else. $20,000 plus tax and licensing.
I paid $26k for mine brand new zero miles . XLE model , so even at $25k I would say that’s over priced. You can buy a used one with about 10k miles Between $18k-$22k.
Wow, I think you guys are way too optimistic. While I think 6000 miles for a "demo" is a lot of miles, and probably means it was not only used as a demo, but probably a dealership "car". Loaner, weekend usage, etc. It would take a LOT of test drives to reach 6000 miles. But you aren't going to get the dealership to value it the same as a used vehicle. They are going to point to the "new" car warranty, exclaim that it has been taken care of great, for the time they have had it, and offer a minimal discount. I might if negotiating, ask for $5000 off, expecting it to be rejected summarily, then negotiate down to $4000, see if they are more amenable. I suspect you aren't going to get much budge room off the $3000 discount. But you might be able negotiate some throw in's, any extra's you might want, window tinting, etc. You might have better luck trying to get peripheral extra's added as opposed to trying to get the total discount increased. But really, I'm not as optimistic. I think most dealerships aren't going to give away a demo, 6000 miles on it or not. It's just the way it works. Sure if you went to trade in a vehicle with only 6000 miles on it, they'ed low ball you on value. Then they would turn it around and sell it as a pristine....almost new vehicle. I suspect that's what they will try to do here. Let us know what you can make or not make happen, but I'm kind of sticking to $3000 off, and maybe you can get them to throw in some extra goods and services.
Kelly Blue Book, you can configure the car, use different mileage figures, get wholesale, retail and trade in prices, just keep configuring for different mileages.