Hello! I’m interested in a 2007 Prius with 68k miles. The battery has not been replaced. Should I be concerned since it is over 10 years old (even though it’s under 100k miles)? Is there any way I can check the battery, dealership or otherwise? I really don’t want to spend a lot to purchase this car only to have to spend even more a few months down the road. Thanks in advance.
yes. if you can't get a reasonable discount due to the possible battery need, i would pass. nimh batteries like to be used, and they do not like to sit. bad things can happen. if you're looking for an inexpensive ride, i would look for corolla etc.
Depends what you're paying, doesn't it? If it's four grand, you can buy a $3000 battery and have a nice $7k car.
What they said. You could pick up a prolong kit and try to squeeze a few more years out of the battery. What’s the condition and price?
Thanks for the advice. He’s asking $7,000 obo. I figured I could get it for $6,500. I’ll ask him to take a longer test drive and see how the batter performs. Is that price still too high though?
Not bad. 4k gets very clean (immaculate) with 200k miles. 5.5k maybe 100-130k miles and immaculate. So you're paying a 1 grand premium for the ultra low miles. Or a 2.5k premium over the super clean 200k miles prius. Fyi people rebuild packs for $400-$500 it's not difficult and the job is all labor, it costs very minimal in parts to do. Possible / likely that a 200k mile prius that is driven a ton will last longer than your 60k mile prius but nothing to worry about imo.