Of course I pick the hottest day of the week. Wish me luck. Already seeing that it was done in the past missing some brackets as I disassemble. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Looks like there has been HV battery work in the past. Missing the stamped plate. Nick from NewPriusBatteries was surprised the old battery was working. Now I have to run to the hardware store to get materials to make my own plate. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Good luck! I checked their web-site, and am looking forward to reading what other folk hereabouts have to say about them. I'm a proponent of the Hybrid Automotive Prolong System having used it for the past 4 years on my 2009 Gen II (currently at about 151,000 and still getting mid 40s overall MPG, and the TractionBatt SoC spending most of its time at 65-85%), but it's nice to think of the longer game, just in case! Good luck, and don't forget to keep us all posted!
I see 8 big holes where I KNOW for fact, I would lose half my fasteners. I'd end up spending an hour or two under the deck finding pieces and parts, lol.
I want to do the same but we have an 05 with 245K miles, in very good condition overall so wondering if a new HV has any reasonable ROI on a vehicle at this stage. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Ha! I know exactly that feeling of things falling through the deck boards. This job looks like it requires a nice work table or bench. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I already had the interior apart from another issue. Maybe less than 3 hours worth of work if I didn't keep taking breaks. It's hot and I'm also recovering from a broken ankle. I've stopped to ice and elevate a couple times. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
See? You should be working on this inside, in the AC, on top of the kitchen table. Wives love that kinda stuff!!!
Step 1: Find large (giant-sized) beach-towel white (or light coloured) Step 2: Spread out towel, and dis-assemble battery pack ON the towel, which will help make it easier to see the small, fiddly bits when they fall off (as they are sure to), and the texture of the towel will help prevent them rolling away (as they most certainly will)! Good luck!
Apart from a couple of sockets (10mm? or perhaps 12mm) I'm sure the correct sizes are mentioned elsewhere, for re-assembly you might add a small torque wrench (…no, not a hulking great biggie, but a little one with a ¼" drive)
So is this a Lithium battery? Or just a different shape... It's a good price. If it's the same capacity. However I would mention I've asked my local Toyota dealer.. they tell me $1900 or so for a new pack.. But if this is better battery chemistry then it's a great deal. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.