An interesting blog post by whom some would call a Tesla fanboy, but still the points are spot on. Tesla and the Smear | EVANNEX Aftermarket Tesla Accessories
this is classic stuff, and can even be seen here by some members, especially one who keeps throwing out 'paypal'
Thank you for reviving this thread. The blog post is more relevant now than then. Watch this youtube video: There are some very un-American, un-Patriotic people on this forum. What a shame.
real americans support fossil fuel use and destroying anything they can, like the earth as well as other human beings who don't agree with them. they don't want electric acceleration, they want noise and fumes. they want attention.
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel ..... +1. If people are going to virtue signal with something like climate change, then they should regard it as a world problem, and not just a 'merican thing. Tesla's brand is a leadership function. Yeah....there are always going to be the ugly fanboys to deal with but just as Chrysler's brand isn't REALLY damaged when some 19-year-old kid uses his daddy's diesel dually to try and coal-roll a Prius neither will Tesla's be in the end by their less than friendly "ambassadors." Tesla's current street-cred problems are partially self-inflicted by somebody who channels a certain political figure in his tweeting habits. That's head-shed part of the equation. We'll leave the more serious financial issues for later - but the real thing is that there are still a relatively small number of T3 drivers out there and they STILL have some remaining time to kick rudder on what their image will become in the mid-term. When it's all over.....the outcome will be pretty much the same in the long term. Priuses are now, a mainstream car that pioneered a mainstream technology that has pretty much overcome those awkward teenage years, and those growing pains. YMMV.
Samuel Johnson was talking about patriotism in terms of blind allegiance to nationalism, religion, and "my country, right or wrong." He was not talking a about members on Prius Chat trying to destroy an American company through stock manipulation and spreading misinformation.
it's funny, every time you write 'merican now, all i can think of is the guy who got caught keying a tesla. that's what his shirt had on it.
Haters gonna hate. Interesting that for all of their faults, big T is still a mostly 'merican company. If they want to be a GLOBAL brand, then we need to leave the jingoism on our shores.... Unfortunately.....their replacement will either be a foreign-flagged company, OR if they survive they will engage in Apple's strategery of off-shoring and using.....ah......other labor markets. Time......will tell.
will be interesting to see how 'fereners' treat them. looks like china is already starting a campaign...
Reuters) - Tesla Inc Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk told employees on Thursday that he will increase scrutiny of the company's expenses in his latest initiative to cut costs at the electric car maker. Tesla earlier this month closed a $2.7 billion offering of stock and convertible notes, giving it much needed cash as it ramps up production. Musk in an email to employees, seen by Reuters, said its net proceeds from the offering gave Tesla only 10 months to achieve breakeven at the rate it was burning cash in the first quarter. "That is why, going forward, all expenses of any kind anywhere in the word, including parts, salary, travel expenses, rent, literally every payment that leaves our bank account must (be) reviewed," Musk said. If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck and looks like a duck. Denial is a river in Egypt. Musk is the problem, the robot works fine.
musk is the solution. a tight ship must be run to make ends meet. no one else has ever started a successful car company in a long time. it aint easy
Fud, right, if the shorts save one home owner from losing their house because of the false claims made by Musk, good for the shorts, claiming shorts to be unamerican is typical tesla nonsense, this is buisness, when the price corrects itself and lands at 10-11$, like toyota and ford and all real world companies, great. The manipulation of facts, or the lack of facts concerning this company are grievous. Down 8.00$ today premarket Ponzi scheme.
if any homeowners bet their house on tesla, shame on them, not elon musk. and there are plenty of gambling stocks they can do that with very easily. think 'GM' if you think shorters are saving the world, you have a very skewed perspective of life.
The same, my friend could arguably be said for people that think that Musk is saving the world..... He IS getting a little help.
musk is making an attempt to do the right thing for the environment. most on wall street are attempting to do the right thing for their wallets, at the expense of anyone who gets in their way. warren buffet is no hero. there is no comparison between the two. one is fairly good, the others are pure evil.
When it comes to stock price, degree of profitability over a few future years matters little. It is deep future earning prospects that bring investor appetite. But the farther off these potential earnings are into the future, the more vulnerable a stock is to information warfare, on the upside and downside. Lies are more profitable and “dangerous” in this situation.
I'm assuming you don't have have a trading account that you can margin in, when one margins in their account, they borrow three times the value (cash) in the account to BET on a stock, if the stock goes in the opposite direction of their BET, the SEC makes a MARGIN call, the SEC in a matter of minutes will empty your bank accout and or sieze your house. So...Yes, if shorts keep a stock from being manipulated to a high value, when "that" stock fundamentally shouldn't exist, shorts are saving families, tsla is a case of manipulation, when it is corrected and starts trading at a fairly valued price, short interest will drop off. No FUD just reality.