I remember once seeing a voluntary poll of Prius owner IQ . . . but the search function didn't find it. So here is another one for fun. For those reticent to report their own IQ, be sure and identify someone else whose IQ you suspect. <GRINS> IQ is a score returned by a multiple choice of easily challenged configuration. The score has little correlation to subsequent events in one's life. Regardless, let's have some 'self reported' fun. Bob Wilson
Enlisting in the Marine Corps, they test recruits and one is a GCT score. Mine measured 141 which meant I had the good sense to not re-enlist. Bob Wilson
Never checked. I seem to remember some testing done at rotten Groton (Sub School) but I'm not as smart as Bob since I'm now a retired squid - and so that would place me where most people are - average. It's like driving ability, how smart your kids are, or how you did at Vegas. Everybody in America seems to think that they're "just a little above average." People abroad who watch us drive or how our kids act or are good at math? Know better. Put me down for 100. I didn't participate in the poll because...after 2016, who would?
I was tested years apart and magically scored 141 both times. All that gets me is a large cup of coffee at Starbucks if I also give them $2.15. I brew my own coffee. I'll take common sense over IQ every time.
Dang! $2.15?!?! I always heard that people over-pay for that stuff but I thought that it was one of those internet legends.....
I tried taking an online IQ test. I feel kinda sick... Free IQ Test - Accurate, Free Instant Results - My IQ Tested
I'm always amazed to see the lines at the Starbucks drive-thrus and through the windows at the registers inside as I drive by with my home brewed coffee that cost me probably a nickel to make in my car with me. Like I said, I prefer common sense. I do a lot with that $2 a pop I'm not wasting on Starbucks.
IIRC, for kids, I think there are substantial evidences supporting high IQ score correlating with academic success (i.e. better grades in schools). Not saying that higher grade in schools are always correlating to real life success later in their lives.
I'm dumb as a brick, smart enough to know better and as bright as a copper penny. Throughout life I have marveled at the cavernous pitfalls of my self inflicted stupidity, and celebrated the heights of those seemingly inspirational moments of genius. In short...I knows what I knows.
Now we're getting somewhere. How about: As sharp as a pound of wet leather. As sharp as a bowling ball. Dumber than a sack of hammers. Off-topic: About as big as the small end of nothing, whittled to a sharp point.
I almost always make it at home but one of these comes in very handy when camping or taking advantage of a free rest stop to catch a quick nap on our cross country travels 12-Volt Coffee Maker with 16-oz. Metal Carafe : Cabela's They also sell similar products at truck stops like Pilot/Flying J, T/A and Love's.
If you're left-handed, are the brain functions reversed? That's me. From this site: Free IQ Test - Accurate, Free Instant Results - My IQ Tested
Men..... 149 -- not that it has done me much good. Life is about much more than raw intel....right, Bisco? kris
Looking at the self-reported scores, seems we are all right up there....sort of makes sense, right? Smarter people buy the Prius? Of course, I got mine for free, but that is a function of a smart person also, correct? Of course, we women have our ways. kris
Not bad results. I took a similar one and scored 144, but like @Salamander_King , it falls into the old song “here’s a quarter, call someone who cares”.