Coming back from long distance trip across the US, red Triangle suddenly appeared- panic!, car quickly lost power and I pulled over. Has Prius (2004 w 110K miles) towed to nearest Toyota. I was told I needed new hybrid battery- service was very sure of this due to specific codes. ............I decided I wanted a "second opinion" and called another Toyota dealership. The service guy at Toyota #2 told me to check my 12-volt battery connections, that if they are loose, it can give you a red triangle. Luckily, the battery cable WAS loose. I tightened it, and car seemed fine. I went in and told the technicians and they solemnly warned me that I was mistaken- that the codes clearly showed I needed a new hybrid battery.....& they seriously warned me not to drive car off their lot, as I was putting myself in danger. ............Anyway, drove away- car has been fine since.
driving off with 2 intact lug nuts on a tire with the rest sheered off is putting yourself in danger. a failing battery won't kill you. use this experience as motivation to buy your own code reader.
Codes come and go I was told by the Toyota dealer that codes unless it is currently showing is not valid anymore perhaps get a second opinion on it. I had the experience where the red triangle came on kept driving it until safe and called the recovery people who scanned it gave me some codes which i asked main dealer to look into was told it does not matter those codes are history now.
What were the codes that came up at the first dealer? The only one I can think of that could be dangerous wold be the voltage leak code.
Anyone with an older Prius should buy some basic diagnostic tools so they can read and clear codes as well as see HV battery data. Cost less than $100. Android device, torque pro app, Bluetooth OBDII adaptor.
OP never posted the codes so will never know but it may have thrown a hybrid battery ground fault nag which can be reset by disconnecting the 12 volt battery that will temporarily clear the code and allow you to drive. If it was a ground fault nag it will come back. Next time post the codes the dealer pulled its the only way we can help. Bad news for the op if oem that's a very very old battery. One way or the other start planning on what to do when not if it fails cause its very over due.
Recently purchased the Techstream download and there is lots my standard OBD-ll reader was not picking up. I have read mentions of a Toyota service manual used by Toyota techs for the Prius that is downloadable in pdf form. Is it expensive? Does anybody have a link?
you can get it for $20. for two days at tech, but search around, i have read that gen 2 is available for free.