I wanted to share my experience with Milestar MS932 Sport tires. I originally had Michelin Defenders on my car when I bought it, but they were losing tread and I didn't want to go through the winter on them. I found these tires on Tires Easy for $42 each with free shipping, made by Nankang. They are warranted to 50k, although I care more about the UTQG score of 540. That is a great value compared to nearly every other tire. I was concerned about the mileage dropping with such a cheap tire, especially versus the excellent Defenders. As I entered the winter with Defenders, I was at 48.2 and dropping. As I exit the winter with the Milestars, I am at 47.4 and climbing. Milestar rates the tires as a 9.5 for efficiency, I believe, and it seems to be accurate. The traction is good; I haven't really lost traction anywhere I wouldn't expect it. I was running 40 psi, but I've now dropped to ~37ish. All-in-all, they are great tires in nearly every way, and seem to be holding up pretty well.
The only tires that I've found anywhere comparable in value are: Yokohama AVID Ascends for $65-70 with 80k, 800UTQG and fewer installations to pay for over time. Walmart Douglas tires, also around $44 with 480UTQG? with cheap installation at Walmart, but with unknown traction or rolling resistance, which could massively change the TCO.
Thanks for the report. I look for name brand tires on sale, but always interested in saving money. I saw this tire on Walmart. Dirt cheap, made in Turkey, but UTQG 400AA. Waterfall Eco Dynamic Extra Load All-Season Tire 195/65R15 95V - Walmart.com
Nope. I have not tried Waterfall Eco on my PP yet. As crazy as it sounds in today's market, for me in the past 5 years, it has been cheaper to buy a new car than buy a set of tires since the time I posted about Waterfall Eco. Back then, I thought I would be keeping the 2017 PP I owned longer needing to buy a set of new tires to replace the OEM tires. I may give them a try if I keep my current car (21 PP) long enough to need a new set of tires, though I am doubtful that will happen from natural wear. I drive less than 6K miles/yr on my PP OEM tire now. I will be likely to be trading in the car before needing to replace tires on it.
I picked for performance instead of economy, got sumitomo HTR A/S P03 and love them. Getting mid 40s mpg and have yet to make them squeal. They just stick, makes the car handle great,