This may be just a dumb question, but... It has happenned four times in the last week. Things seem to be running smoothlly, and then there is a "BEEP BEEP". No warning lights or error messages, just "BEEP BEEP". Can anyone tell me what this might be? It is disconcerting. I am taking the the Prius in tomorrow for her first 5000 mile maintenance, and would like to know if she has a problem. -perplexed in Pasadena.
That happened to me when I put a work file and my purse on the passenger seat. It took a moment to realize why my Prius was beeping at me.
Im curious why there wouldn't be the normal constant beeping you would get if you don't buckle up. I would think you would get more than just 2 beeps if that were the case.
Sorry, another senior moment since I can't remember if the beeping was intermittent or continuous. But I do remember taking a moment to realize what was happening.
I think Godiva has it. It's probably the passenger seat belt warning. I set my laptop on the seat, and got two strong, slow annoying beeps. Same noise you get if a passenger takes off his/her seat belt too soon. Annoying but I'll bet that's it. Or, it could mean you have swollen the fuel bladder and your Prius will detonate shortly. What do I know, I'm new here.
Are you b/w 4500 and 4999 miles? I bet it's your "maintainence required" reminder. Take a quick glance at the MFD when you hear it and see if it says that. It just means you need an oil change soon. Oops, didn't see the last line of your I'm sure it's the maint. req. Save yourself the embarrasment of a new owner and don't mention it unless they forget to reset it for you.
That is weird. Everyone has talked about this passenger seat belt beep. My wife has sat in the seat without a seat belt and I have had a full cooler on the seat and no beep. I suppose I should poke around under the seat and see if something is unplugged.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tadashi @ Aug 31 2006, 10:00 PM) [snapback]312594[/snapback]</div> I've never had a passenger seat beep in my 2004 Prius (I think it was build in Feb. '04). I wonder if the beep was a "feature" that was added after that time--sort of like the info button on the steering wheel being able to toggle the MFD screens in cars built after April '04. The passenger seat belt light DOES come on, but I just don't have the beep.
I had my cell phones and a notebook sitting on the seat when it happened the first time. The second time there was nothing on the seat. Mileage was still around 4300. The last time it happened, we were sitting in traffic behind an accident, but my wife had her seatbelt on... I guess that would rule out the seatbelt. I won't mention it when I take it in tomorrow... maybe it is just the service warning... I just didn't see any indication, although I watched for it when we hit 4500 miles (this afternoon)... Just over that was the last time I heard the beeping. Thanks for your ideas.. I will keep an eye (oops) ear out for it after the servicing is done... in any event, my concern level meter is back to normal... Thanks again.
Do you have the 6-disc CD changer? In my case, two unexplained "beeps" (vs the usual "bing" sounds) was the changer telling me it had a jammed disk, which is rather annoying because it cracked a disk and the tray mechanism went completely out of alignment and the unit is basically toast.. Toyota wants over $400 for a replacement unit.. $!%!*!!
I see that you have an 06 like mine. When mine is low in fuel when the last bar start to blink, it makes one or two beep from the stereo speakers and MFD say "Add Fuel" for a few seconds. Could it be it? Dennis
The car beeps about all kinds of things As tedious as it might be, look through the manual and look for notes about when you'll hear beeps and what those beeps are. You might be able to narrow down the possibilities that way.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ichabod @ Sep 1 2006, 12:36 PM) [snapback]312894[/snapback]</div> I had the maintenance done, and it hasn't beeped again yet... I haven't had time to go back to the manual, but will this evening. After I double check the air in the tires and make sure they didn't overfill the oil. You know what is funny about this? Maybe it's like when the kids are trying to tell me something and I just can't quite understand.... Hopefully no "accidents"... I'd hate to find a puddle on the ground... Or maybe, she (what we call our Prius) just wants to talk... the voice recognition works really well. Seriously, I'll post what I find out. -dns
Here is what I found... It HAS to be the seatbelt. It's the only thing that fits... So I tested the weight needed (not scientifically, but just a general test). It looks like about 10 lbs or slightly less can make the system think there is something in the seat.... I could simply push down on the seat from the driver's seat with my hand and get it to set the seat belt beeps off... Sooooooo... looks like that is the "culprit". I had hoped that she was trying to communicate, but guess I was just being annoying... Thanks for helping this Prius newbie...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(noperfecto @ Aug 31 2006, 09:50 PM) [snapback]312542[/snapback]</div> So you are driving along... minding your own business ... and you hear two beeps? Hmmm. My first guess would be just as everyone else's. Just yesterday I took my dog to the groomer and after backing out of the driveway, the back-up beep didn't stop when I went into "drive". At least I thought it was the back up beep. Looked way over to the right side and saw the passenger seat belt light flashing. 20 lb dog is not enough to enable the airbag, but the car thought she should be belted in. Same thing happened when I temporarily moved the kid's car seat up front - - but I put the belt around it to silence the beep. The thing about the passenger seat belt beep is that it beeps a lot more than twice, and beeps with the same cadence as the back up beep, but after a few seconds will beep faster. It eventually stops and just leaves the light flashing. My laptop case will sometimes set off the seat sensor. If you have something over there that is just barely heavy enough, it might just be setting it off once in a while.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tadashi @ Sep 2 2006, 08:56 PM) [snapback]313349[/snapback]</div> Hmmm....I cancelled my backup beep and I still get the seatbelt beep. I have learned to put my laptop case on the floor!