At the risk of stating the bleeding obvious, those snow chains should be on the front tyres, as this Prius and all before it are front wheel drive, right? iPad ? Pro
What part of "Front Wheel Drive" does this idiot not understand? Quite likely that he/she has never taken the owners manual out of the glovebox - if they even know it's there. And certainly has never opened it! As one who used to write manuals and work procedures for a living, one of my favorite acronyms is RTFM (Read The F***ing Manual!!!) -Graeme- 2004 Prius with >190,000 miles. Sent ?.
At least he'll have good stable braking without spinning around ... With some drivers, that is probably for the best.
Even if they are put on the front wheels, are tire chains effective on the sheet of ice like in the photo? I never used tire chains, but have plenty of experiences driving on icy roads. My experience has been that only thing effective are studded snow tires in those situations.
I believe one of SpaceX’s Drone Ships goes by the same name. That Elon Musk has a cracking sense of humour iPad ? Pro
It depends on both the ice conditions, and the particular chains, especially the details of the cross links. Cable crosslinks links covered in rollers, probably not so much unless the ice is soft enough for the vehicle weight to dig in. Real chain crosslinks loaded with chevron grippers, definitely yes.