Fellow owners, Anyone have the tint stated above? Im looking to upgrade my tint (Llumar CTX 30) to the XR Plus. Im in San Diego and want something better. There is only one place down here that will install. Dont want to jump the gun and wanted some insight. Any replies would be appreciated.
Window tint? I would be surprised if you could pick the difference between 2 grades of window tint. The test specifications have so little variance between grades. That is, unless it's faulty, bubbled or distorted in some way, or it's too dark and causing problems with being able to see out at night.
I’ll be getting llumar on our Prime from the same shop that tinted our Lexus RX450h with Huper Optik. I don’t think you’ll notice a difference . What would be the reason for the change?
The reason for the change is that my car is outside all day. My wife has Llumar Stratos on her car and its day and night between the Stratos and the CTX. The only reason why im going with Xpel is that it has slightly better specs than Stratos and is $200 cheaper.
What is her car? Did it have factory tint the same as the PRIUS? I'm surprised that it's performing much different, as the specification difference is only slight as you say. What is the cost of removing the old tint - I've seen it done once (was old and had bubbled) but even after reapplying new tint, it wasn't ever real good, as though there were traces of the original adhesive left behind.
She has a 2015 Prius v. I think the factory tint is simliar. I removed the tint myself. Its really easy with a clothes steamer. Ive removed tint from my wifes car and my car as well. No adhesive left at all and the guys that did the tint still did a thorough cleaning. Install went great. Waiting for it to dry. The weather isnt very good down here in San Diego at the moment. Once everything dries up, ill post a pic. Went 30 on all side windows and 5 on rear hatch and bottom hatch window.