A while back you posted about a Mini-VCI alternative that sounded great and I thought I had saved information, but I have not. I admit, I just did a pretty desultory search and did not find what I was looking for.... And, in a blatant attempt to curry favor, I do say you offer tons of useful information. So, you have mentioned an alternative that I think costs around $90 and is easy to use and offers the same information. I was wanting to give it to my niece as a belated graduation present (she got a used Toyota as a grad present -- not from me). So, if you would be so kind.....the Mini-VCI is great -- and I have it -- but it is a pain to set-up (somehow I got mine in evaluation mode and can't get out of it.....I only have a few more "uses" left. She has an I-Phone, so I know there are a few android apps, but that does not help her. kris
I'm not Ed, but if you're thinking of one "around $90" that would remind me of the VxDiag VCX Nano. If you're trying to remember the one around $169 and made right in San Francisco, that'd be this one. -Chap
San Francisco.... My father said he saw the best minds of his generation destroyed by madness in San Francisco. I think he stole that phrase from a better known poet.... I do love the city. Actually, despite all the problems it has, it is my favorite big city. Not that I have been to that many. I will check out their information. Always happy to help out folks from the city by the bay. kris
Hi Chris You may be thinking of the VXDIAG which works pretty good it’s a little device that plugs into the obd port And then usb into laptop. It’s much easier than a mini vci programming wise. I have both. VXDIAG has full Techstream. Amanzon.com look for the blue one that says Toyota Nano TIS TECHSTREAM. V10 Lowered price $77. Good luck.
Thanks you! I ended up getting her an old laptop from a quasi-government run recycling place in Eugene, Or and the VXDIAG. Have not heard from her, but hope she likes. kris
What do you mean it has “full techstream”? Does it access all ecu’s and help with “smart access” to program fobs? I’m trying to upgrade from mini cheap vci to vxdiag and all I need is smart access key which currently I dont have yet.
Cyber, I realize this is an old post, but maybe this can help you.. If your software is similar to mine.... Go to Program Files\Toyota Diagnostics\Techstream\env find "IT3usercustom.ini" file look for Connctioncount=1 (or whatever # times you've tried to connect). Delete that line Click save It will reset to 30