Yep, very complicated car. Ours had none of the issues Hill had thankfully. I don't blame him at all for his opinion formed due to that disaster. While Tesla has reliability issues, they are getting better, and as a brand, have reliability better than some. This automated system is part of the effort to improve the customer's experience. Imagine this, Tesla calls you up one day and tells you they detected an issue with the 12V battery. They would like to replace it before it fails and will send Mobile service to your home, work, or wherever you would like. You arrange a time, they come out and replace it under warrantee while you are eating lunch. Bad battery is a bummer, but the customer experience is phenomenal.
No, that actually sounds super-creepy. What else does Tesla know about you? Oh, I forgot. This is the age of surveillance acceptance and I will probably be labeled Luddite for even bringing it up. I would much rather have a car that does not need parts than the car that orders parts I may or may not need or want and nag me about buying said parts.
Yeah....just like Boeing. I mean.....why bother to have humans in the loop at all, expect as cargo....presuming of course that they have the bucks to pay for it. With TESLA.... We drive the car. We tell you what's wrong with the car. We order your parts for you. You Pay, Or? We'll use one of our "updates" to turn your car into a 4000# into a lawn ornament after we sell all of your location, infotainment, and any voice information that we harvest from your (our) car! thanks. I'll keep waiting for the Android version, thanks just the same. I've always said that the difference between automotive dystopia and utopia is defined by who is really in the driver's seat.
Frankly, I love it. It is really no different than having a "service needed" light on your dashboard, only better. If you don't trust the company, you certainly don't have to accept the service. However, I see no reason to trust them any more in person. Most likely, due to your mistrust, I doubt you would buy their product in the first place. So the further discussion of not trusting their diagnostics is moot.
George Orwell himself would be aghast at how little he predicted - compared to the direction we are heading .... good comparison .... a brand new auto manufacturer taking on the most complex car build? I guess you don't know if you can be the 1st to sail around the world until you try. Musk himself said if he knew what he was getting into, he would have taken another tack w/the X. But yes - it has gotten a lot better. Anyone who successfully builds spaceships & nearly puts our Fed's space biz out of business, I guess you think you can do pretty much anything. .
if prius could report a bad 12v, and notify someone to come out and replace it, priuschat wouldn't exist
About the owner or driver? As much as Toyota, GM, Nissan, etc. I believe there are appliances that can already make their own service calls, or there was talk about such several years ago. This is no different, and Alexa in the Prime will likely be asking to order oil and filters for you when the can maintenance light comes on in the near future.
Someone already knows where I have been all day. My phone company. And they could compute my driving speed and braking habits from the phone signals by tossing out all the data under 30 MPH. I gave up privacy long ago. On Facebook, Nextdoor, and probably two dozen forums I post under my real name.
Call me crazy, but I trust Tesla more than I trust the salesman and in house mechanic at any dealership.
What's your point? You trust your fence more than your pusher/dealer? Tesla, salespersons and in-house stealership mechanics and other staff have all proven themselves to be untrustworthy.
The only thing that Tesla (at least for me) ever shown themselves to be untrustworthy on is timing (aka Elon-time) and minor young immature company details (changing prices a lot, not understanding how that pricing affects early adopters, things like that).
I haven't found that to be true and 90% of Tesla owners haven't found that to be true. What's your point? On the other hand, I stopped going to Toyota service years ago because of their deceptive practices.