Anyone have this happen to you, I came home with 0 battery left, plugged in, everything was normal except none of the battery indicator (the 3 blue led lights under windshield) flash. No scheduled event. Unplug and plug again still the same. Got into the car, while trying to play with the settings the light start to flash.
yes i have seen this. i think if you let it sit for 5-10 minutes it will automatically start. i have also figured out, if i hit the lock button on the remote key fob, then the first blue light comes on immediately. i gave up waiting and just hit the lock button now every time. i think if you just walk away , everything will be fine as well.
Might have happened to me, but I have not paid that much attention. I just plug-in and forget about it. Maybe the battery was too hot or too cold to start charging right away? The car has a brain of its own. It always decides the best way to charge the car.
Yes, that happens. I suspect is the system cooling the battery before starting the charge. Once you plug in you can hear the cooling fans running but no charge indication. After 15mins or so it should charge.
Had it happen once. I don't use scheduling but the MID was showing the schedule/charge now screen after plugging in. I pressed the arrow to charge now and than the center button and it started charging in a couple seconds. Still don't know why, but it was strange.
I think I got something similar to yours, but I remember "Charge Now" cannot be selected, as there's no schedule.
Yep Peng, I remember pushing buttons and arrows on the steering wheel. It just started charging for me. I'm not sure if I was able to change the screen or not.