Once again, Tesla has ratcheted up how far you can go: Jeez ~ i hope that includes a built-in porta potty, because 5 hours driving is more than my bladder can take .
is that more battery, more efficiency, or more battery percent usage? we stop every few hours, but i wouldn't want to have to wait around for a charge. it's nice to get in and get out, depending on your age.
Speculated, all of the above. Tesla is keeping the exact specs close to the vest at this time. With the new 150 kWh Superchargers, you can stop every 2 to 3 hours for a 10 minute charge and you are good to go for another 2 to 3 hours. I anticipate that the new model Y will have around 350 mile range in a Long Range option.
reading bob w's latest trip post, those superchargers aren't everywhere yet. 10 minutes for 120-180 miles is nice though.
The trick is to offload someone who needs a potty and snack break and put the car on SuperCharger. Your walk to the other half works great and you enjoy some time together. Then walk back to the car and pick up the other half. Bob Wilson
No, they aren't everywhere...................yet. There is just handful out at this time at the busiest Superchargers to increase the turnover rate. They are prioritized for installation in terms of wait times at a particular site. Those Superchargers in rural locations with often no wait time will be the last to get them. Californation has committed to installing 25K ADDITIONAL public charging stations by 2020. California Set to Get Another 25,000 EV Charging Stations | DMV.com LA's 'Green New Deal' sets 100% zero emission vehicles goal - Electrek These will be in urban areas to facilitate the unprecedented growth of BEVs in the State.
you folks are definitely an anomaly out there. even our blue state is cutting back incentives. 'm expecting a bev tax next.
California already has a BEV tax, and I support it. Since BEVs don't pay a State infrastructure tax at the gas pump, it is only fair they should pay an extra tax through registration to support highway infrastructure improvements. I think my infrastructure tax on my Tesla is around $100 per year. It all gets written off at the end of the year anyway. In Los Angeles metro area, the price of gasoline is approaching $5/gal for premium (with a lot of that going to State taxes). This is good news because it makes the case for BEVs even more compelling.
You would think paying in the high $4 range for gas - you wouldn't have so many potholes around here - yet here we are. Maybe funding our public servants' nearly full pay retirement after as little as 2 decades or less, is more important than using the money for what it is earmarked for. A crackdown on misuse of taxpayer money? | CALmatters California watchdog agency says it needs more power to go after misuse of public funds - Los Angeles Times Hard to believe we ever broke away from England over a few pennies of tax .
Now some politician might propose a wall along that border and pickup some votes. Actually the 'public' goal of our Civil War was 'States Rights' including making every state independent . . . then they discovered that individual States are not militarily successful. Bob Wilson
Yeah, your cited articles were written by a notable, life long Libertarian (Dan Walters) and an initiative written by ultra-conservative Republicans (L.A. Times). Neither article has anything to do with PERS (Public Employees Retirement System). CALPERS is self funded through employee contributions, not State highway tax. And you are incorrect about the amount of retirement. My daughter is a member of PERS and she will get 50% of her highest pay after a minimum of 20 years employment. "Full pay retirement after as little as 2 decades or less" is reserved for the U.S. military, so you may want to complain to your U.S. Congressman about that. Regarding State tax for road infrastructure at the gas pump, it is mandated by statute to be spent 100% for that purpose. Yes, of that 100%, about 10% is set aside by statute for retraining of qualified individuals who might lose their employment as a result of the State moving from fossil fuels to a sustainable fuel future. You can protest that if you wish, but I doubt you will get a lot of support except from Libertarians and ultra-conservative Republicans. Regarding potholes, State funds are reserved for State projects and highways by statute. California freeways and highways are the most heavily traveled in the US. I am surprised and gratified they are maintained as well as they are, certainly better than those in Tennessee the last time I was there. If you find potholes, you may want to complain to your local municipality or County. They are the ones that are responsible for local conditions. With regards to your post, I am calling it Fake News and FUD. This is not characteristic of your previous posts. I'm surprised. Although Californation has experienced a net negative migration over the last 10 years, studies and research have shown that it is related to housing cost rather than the tax structure. Low income wage earnings (including people on SocSec only retirement incomes) have been moving out to places like Oregon, for example, because of lower housing costs even though wages are lower and cost of food higher there than Californation. In fact, Californation has a net positive migration (people moving in) over the last 10 years by high wage earners with a bachelors degree or higher from Oregon, for example. who add to the State economy rather than take from same. So you have to know the full story before you can understand the whole story.
The Southern States have been trying to re-write history by portraying the Civil War, in a noble manner, as a States Rights issue. We all know that is not true. It was all about maintaining the disgusting practice of slavery as the social order promoted by Southern oligarchs (and some Northern ones too) to maintain their privileged lifestyle. I have been to Mount Vernon. George Washington, one of the wealthiest Presidents in our history, was uninvolved with the care of his slaves. They lived in deplorable and despicable conditions. History has been too kind to G.W. in that regard. I'm sure these posts will be moved to off topic, but they cannot go unchallenged.