Trip report: Huntsville AL; Coffeyville KS; Richardson TX, and; home

Discussion in 'Tesla' started by bwilson4web, May 3, 2019.

  1. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    My limited mobility wife, her long-hair chihuahua, and I are taking a trip to visit my Mom in Coffeyville and best friend in Richardson (aka. Dallas area). These are our lesson's learned.

    Huntsville to Coffeyville

    We didn't leave on Monday for minor medical reasons. So Tuesday, I folded down the rear seats and put three, foam cushions, inside a single bed mattress cover. Clothes were packed in a suitcase in the rear storage area and I loaded my wife, her dog, and folding wheel chair. With a full, trip charge, we drove to the Memphis SuperCharger.

    Having been there before, my wife selected "5 Guys" for hamburgers and restroom break. Putting the handicap hanger, we parked near the door and I said, "I gotta go but will come back to help you out." When I returned, she got in the wheelchair and I helped her go to the bathroom. Then I said, "I've got to walk the Itty Bitty dog" and drove to the SuperCharger and walked the dog back.

    When she got out of the bathroom, she ordered a loaded hamburger and fries, I got a loaded hot dog, and the dog got their smallest, Kosher hotdog. The dog did not take after her hot dog so I bit a piece off and she devoured it. So bite, spit, and feed, everyone got something to eat. So I said, "I need to get the car." Well lit and with the Itty Bitty dog, I knew my wife was safe and others came over to visit her and pet the dog while I fetched the car, now with enough charge to reach Little Rock.

    Little Rock SuperCharger is in the middle of a parking lot for a shopping mall that was closed. However, there was a combination Tavern and Movie House so I drove there. "Wait a minute as I've got to go pee." They were closing but managed to get inside. One of their staff said there was a "Loves" truck stop down the street so I drove there and helped my wife go in before driving the car back to the SuperCharger. The 1/4 mile walk did me and the Itty Bitty dog a lot of good.

    My wife had gotten confused and left her wheelchair in the bathroom. But the courteous staff had her sitting on a chair and we soon got it sorted out. Bottled water and a root beer with a package of jerky and we were set. So I checked the radar: severe weather on the Arkansas/Missouri border, the route to the Springfield SuperCharger and less bad to Fort Smith where there is no SuperCharger. But I had a plan.

    The truck stop at Ozark AR had ShorePower stations used by truckers so they don't have to run their diesel engines. The 30A, NEMA 14-50 plug would work perfect to get enough charge to reach the Tulsa SuperCharger. Then I noticed the Tesla NEMA 14-50 has three straight blades but the ShorePower needed two straight and 90 degree blade (NEMA 14-30?.) I tried the 120 VAC plug but no power. I asked the clerk and found "They are turned off because we weren't selling enough." By now it was 2 AM and I knew there were RV parks around but the rain started. The clerk told me about a live 120 VAC outlet I could use so we plugged in and spent a couple of hours getting breakfast and bathroom break. Adding 10 miles to my reserve was enough to reach an RV park previously well reported on PlugShare.

    Driving to Fort Smith, the rain got intense with sheets but the dynamic cruise control and autosteer worked great . . . as good or better than my old man eyes. We made it to the RV park about 5:30 AM; filled out the registration and check; plugged-in; rested my wife's wheel chair over the frunk (i.e., front trunk) with the lid covering, and; discovered you don't get on the mattress by the trunk.

    There is very little room and the 3" gap can lead to getting stuck half-in and half-out. My wife bitterly complained and when I tried it, no luck. So she rested on the passenger seat and I tried a different approach. Go in on the side door, head first and pull your legs in. Rotate so you can extend your legs in the 'metal sleeping bag' and close the door. The rain was no problem with occasional, brilliant sheets of lightning overhead.

    With the dawn, the care taker came by and was not used to seeing a car plugged in with two people sleeping. I pointed out I'd filled out the registration and paid a check. Somewhat unhappy with this strange sight, he left. He came back about 10 minutes later and said, "I see you know what you're doing" and handed me the registration and check to tear up. All the while it was raining with a lot of puddles.

    I got the wife in the wheel chair and we slogged through the water to the dry, heated bathroom with shower and then back to the car. The seat warmers and keeping her side warm worked. By 10 AM, we had enough charge to reach the Tulsa SuperCharger and we were off. Reaching the Oklahoma border, the weather cleared up and other than tolls, reached Tulsa about noon. This time the SuperChargers were in the middle of a Cherokee casino parking lot so we stayed there.

    As we were headed to Coffeyville, my wife announced it was lunch and bathroom break time. We stopped at a Baskin Robins and I helped her in the unisex bathroom including some dry clothes. She got an ice cream cup and we sat outside in the warm Oklahoma breezes. I stopped at a BBQ place and we were finally on the way to Coffeyville. We got there a little after 2 PM and Mom gave us a bedroom to nap and change. Needless to stay, sleep was on my mind but Holly and Mom had a great time.

    With Mom's house keeper, we ran some errands and he drove the Tesla. Then he led the way to the RV park that has 50A service; paid $20, and; left the car to charge overnight. This avoided trying to put a heavy electrical load on a 1926 house. The next day, the car was charged to 80% for around town errands. I visited Walmart to get wind breakers and rain jackets for us and parked the car by the curb.

    About 10 AM, some of my Mom's friends saw the car and I got to do a static show for him and pointed out we'd driven 720 mi using 158 kWh which costs $15.80 (home rates are $0.09/kWh in Kansas and SuperCharger rates are running about $0.20/kWh.) He was impressed but with his wife in their SUV, we didn't have time for a test drive so he invited us to the Baptist Church, Saturday morning breakfast where I'll bring the car . . . now much less road weary.

    To Be Continued.

    Bob Wilson
    hill likes this.
  2. el Crucero

    el Crucero Senior Member

    Jun 27, 2015
    Inland Empire
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Bob, a cuople of questions:
    We also travel with a dog, a 15 pound Havanese. We strap him into the back seat with a harness on. He travels there without complaint, but I do exercise him at every Supercharger stop which he appreciates.
    How is your dog handling this, relatively long, trip?
    I also find that Autopilot is more reliable than my eyes, especially at night in the glare of headlights from oncoming traffic. I believe it is literally a "life saver."

    I put my wipers on "auto" and they work great - set it and forget it. However, we don't get intense rain in Californation as you do in other parts of the country. I have been in Northeast Kansas with rain so intense, you couldn't see 10 feet in front of me. People who live in these areas complain that the wipers on the model 3 are inadequate for the task.
    How did the wipers work for you?
    Did you put them on auto or manual?
    Any comments?
    My wife would have drawn the line right then and there! She is not going to sleep in the back of any car, particularly a model 3. She would have plugged in "dog friendly Marriott" into the U.I. and headed directly there for a good nights sleep. I might sleep in the back in an emergency, but wife? NO!
    How do you pull that one off?
    Wife LOVES the seat warmers and fireplace easter egg.
    Have you tried the fireplace?
    A good friend of ours inherited the family ranch in Coffeyville (last name Beeson). She currently lives in Boulder, CO and rents out the ranch.
    Maybe your mother knows the family?
  3. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Bob, a couple of questions:

    We also travel with a dog, a 15 pound Havanese. We strap him into the back seat with a harness on. He travels there without complaint, but I do exercise him at every Supercharger stop which he appreciates.
    How is your dog handling this, relatively long, trip?

    Our 5 lb, long haired Chihuahua has been great. She prefers to sit in my lap but I'm getting her to spend more time in my wife's lap. Walking to and from the chargers works for her and me.

    I also find that Autopilot is more reliable than my eyes, especially at night in the glare of headlights from oncoming traffic. I believe it is literally a "life saver."

    With just over a month, I'm still learning but it sure is better than the alternatives.

    I put my wipers on "auto" and they work great - set it and forget it. However, we don't get intense rain in Californation as you do in other parts of the country. I have been in Northeast Kansas with rain so intense, you couldn't see 10 feet in front of me. People who live in these areas complain that the wipers on the model 3 are inadequate for the task.
    How did the wipers work for you?
    Did you put them on auto or manual?
    Any comments?

    The wipers worked fine even in the sheets of rain. I also run them in auto but when I want a couple of swipes, I just push the end of the turn signal to get a wet wipe instead of fiddling with the control.

    My wife would have drawn the line right then and there! She is not going to sleep in the back of any car, particularly a model 3. She would have plugged in "dog friendly Marriott" into the U.I. and headed directly there for a good nights sleep. I might sleep in the back in an emergency, but wife? NO!
    How do you pull that one off?

    My wife is exceptional which never ends my surprise that she still likes me after 42 years. I still need to investigate how we might get the front seats into more of sleeper position and lower the back. I've moved the bottom of the seat forward, flatter, and raised it. But it looks like the head rest hits the rear seat bottom. I may try 'unhinging to see if we can get another couple of inches lower.

    Wife LOVES the seat warmers and fireplace easter egg.
    Have you tried the fireplace?

    Real heat works for her. Being able to split the temperatures, I helps a lot and the heated seats keep her happy.

    A good friend of ours inherited the family ranch in Coffeyville (last name Beeson). She currently lives in Boulder, CO and rents out the ranch.
    Maybe your mother knows the family?

    I'll ask. This morning I'll be at the Baptist Church breakfast with the car. I promised a family friend a test drive and there may be others interested.

    Bob Wilson
  4. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    2 of 3

    My wife ran a fever Saturday with a sensitive, swollen right hand. In the ER: IV antibiotics and morphine . . . She is getting better. But we’ll head back via the Northern, SuperCharger route after discharge.

    Bob Wilson
  5. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    sorry to hear bob, i hope she recovers quickly. some kind of insect bite?
  6. el Crucero

    el Crucero Senior Member

    Jun 27, 2015
    Inland Empire
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Our best to her.
  7. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    There was no evidence of a bite site, skin break, or bruises. Sometimes sh*t happens. The labs showed elevated white cell count so normally this indicates an infection and it responds to IV antibiotics.

    Bob Wilson
    bisco likes this.
  8. markabele

    markabele owner of PiP, then Leaf, then Model 3

    Mar 27, 2012
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Great trip report, Bob. Best to your wife. Hope for quick recovery.
  9. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus

    Holly is sitting up for breakfast this morning. We’re just waiting for the doctor. She still has a swollen and sensitive hand but fever and BP are normal.

    Bob Wilson
  10. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    wow, that looks bad. amazing it's not from an external cause. i wouldn't think food poisoning or such could infiltrate such a specific area.
    glad she's doing a little better.

    similar happened to mrs bisco in florida, swollen red eye and facial around it. emergency doc couldn't figure anything, put her on a 10 day abx eyedrops and it helped but took about a month to go away.
  11. fotomoto

    fotomoto Senior Member

    Apr 22, 2009
    So. Texas
    Other Hybrid
    This doesn't add up.

    Also, what would have been the costs for the truck stop (not including the special plug purchased) if that idea had worked? One should also account for the food/beverages/snacks/other items bought at these stops that either could have purchased much cheaper or not at all if one could keep driving.
  12. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    I’ll post a total cost accounting when I can also add the pictures. For example, SuperCharger costs are on credit card my Tesla account. Then I got a free charge to go from Fort. Smith to Tulsa. I also got a free charge from Ozark AR to Fort Smith.

    The return trip should be all SuperCharger so cost accounting should be cleaner. But how do you handle an overnight stay at a charger equipped motel?

    Bob Wilson
  13. el Crucero

    el Crucero Senior Member

    Jun 27, 2015
    Inland Empire
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    I handle it with a thank you note to the hotel chain, telling them why I stayed there, telling them why I will stay there again, and asking them for chargers at their other locations so I can stay there too.
    markabele, bwilson4web and fotomoto like this.
  14. fotomoto

    fotomoto Senior Member

    Apr 22, 2009
    So. Texas
    Other Hybrid
    I would only count it if I paid extra to get that feature. Most hotels seem to be grouped in clusters nowadays (especially along interstates) so it's pretty easy to compare pricing/amenities.

    I personally don't charge as I don't need to with my PHEV and am concerned with A) theft/vandalism of my EVSE and B) tripping hazard (dealt with cabling issues in a previous life).
    bwilson4web likes this.
  15. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    I’ve updated updated
    • Fort Smith RV park - updated fee and description.
    • Heritage RV park - added with fees and photos.
    • Coffeyville Regional Medical Hospital - added NEMA 5-20 location for a 5 mi/hr tickle charge.
    Bob Wilson
    markabele likes this.
  16. Prodigyplace

    Prodigyplace 2025 Camry XLE FWD

    Nov 1, 2016
    Central Virginia
    Other Hybrid
    So, a tickle charge is "just for grins" ? ;)
    markabele likes this.
  17. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    I’ve been living in my wife’s hospital room since Saturday evening. My sense of humor is a little stressed.

    Now I see:
    • FastDC charging - what separates a full function EV from a ‘demo’. The density of these chargers is critical.
    • L2 charging - at best, the EV spare tire for ONE missing FastDC charger. It is unsustainable for cross-country driving. However, it works for shopping where there is a 30-60 min activity in parallel.
    • L1 charging - desperation or when sleeping. It is the ‘flat’ donut spare of an EV network.
    This is helping me model EV performance. I am so happy with our Model 3.

    Bob Wilson
    markabele, Prodigyplace and Trollbait like this.
  18. el Crucero

    el Crucero Senior Member

    Jun 27, 2015
    Inland Empire
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Seriously, how is the Mrs. doing? She should be aware that there are some complete strangers on the Internet who are concerned about her.
    (y) Yes, you are the norm, not the exception. The model 3 is really a phenomenal car in so many ways.
  19. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    My wife is doing better as time and modern medicine do their magic. Thanks for asking.

    Bob Wilson
    markabele and Prodigyplace like this.
  20. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Glad Holly is doing better!

    Looking forward to more data,
    Hope the pooch is OK with mom in hospital....
    My wife's favorite dog...a short-haired Chi was named Itty Bitty.

    ...I called her other things, but then I'm more of a cat person. ;)
    Prodigyplace likes this.