I'm overhauling the front calipers on our car and I'm not sure if the kit is for a single side or both sides. Anyone ever bought this? It's also listed as "Cylinder Kit Front Dis"
By the way, do your calipers seem to need overhauling at all? If they're not leaking, the boots are undamaged, and they have good piston return, they may be trouble-free for years more. My approach is to have a caliper kit on hand. When I do a brake inspection (same times I rotate tires), if I find any work to be needed, I can go ahead and do it. Usually there's none needed.
They're making a ton of noise so I figured I might as well just rebuild them since they're getting taken apart anyway to replace the pads and rotors. I'm probably getting rid of the car within 18 months, but I don't like to fool around when it comes to the brakes.
Have you started the job yet, to see the condition of the rotors/pads or what is causing the noise? Sometimes if your inspection establishes that the caliper is fine, you could end up replacing only pads, or only support plates (the springy things holding the pad ears) or shims, etc., without opening the hydraulic system of the caliper at all. It's not rocket science either way, but occasionally life is kind and not every can of worms needs to be opened.