Hello all, I am new hear, long time lurker, but first time poster. I have a 2015 Prius II with only 1 smart handle (driver side) that unlocks and locks the car by pressing/holding the handle. I know higher trims have the same handle but on the passenger side. I was wondering if it would be simple to buy a replacement smart handle for the passenger side and instal it on my passenger side. Would it work? How is it programed? Does it require a new power source? I tried searching before posting, if there is a previous post, please kindly refer me to it. Thanks everyone!
i don't think so. there's a whole antennae and wiring harness involved. it can probably be done, but it would likely be complicated
The wiring diagram (more info) would be a place to look; it will show where the various smart-key system oscillators and antennas are located in the car, and whatever other wiring might be different. In the trims with multi-door smart key, there are several of them placed around the car. I haven't checked how many are used in the one-door version.
I remember reading on here years ago that it can be done relatively easily. I will try and see if I can drag up something to help. and check back in.